From Wed Aug 6 14:44:11 1997 Received: by id OAA25824; Wed, 6 Aug 1997 14:23:10 +0100 (BST) Received: from by with SMTP id OAA25794; Wed, 6 Aug 1997 14:22:57 +0100 (BST) Received: by (UK-Smail id <>; Wed, 6 Aug 97 14:22 BST Message-Id: <> Date: Wed, 6 Aug 97 14:22 BST From: (David J.C. MacKay) To:, Subject: Discs for Juniors, Discs for All Cc: Sender: Precedence: bulk Dear Britdisc, I just imported another 300 Ultrastars, and also a few Sky-Pros (which are small discs, about 125 g, possibly useful for tiny juniors under 10 years; you can also play DDC and guts with them). I would like to promote Juniors Ultimate, so I am offering Ultrastars to people running juniors teams at a low price --- a price made possible by huge previous sales to british ultimate teams, Thanks all! I really encourage all britdiscers to try starting your own junior team. My experience with starting junior ultimate has been really good -- I just got in touch with my local youth group organisers and started a weekly ultimate session, with occasional one-off ultimate events at youth club barbeques, etc. The kids love it! A large youth base is the future of british ultimate. Disc Prices for juniors and people who coach junior teams *** --------------------------------------------------------- Ultrastars 4 pounds each, or 30 pounds for 8. Sky-pros 1.50 pounds. *** note, Spirit of the Game applies: Discs sold at these prices should be given to juniors or sold to them at the same price. Disc Prices for rest of the world --------------------------------- Ultrastars 7 pounds each. Sky-pros 1.50 pounds. --------------------------------------------------------------- Ultrastar Colours available: white, orange and black discs; various hotstamp colours. All Ultrastars feature the `Play Ultimate' fractal design. (which can be seen on the Strange Blue web page, Skypros: white, orange and bright yellow/green. --------------------------------------------------------------- Please email me if you want discs and I will bring them to Ross on Wye for you. Yours, David ========================================================================== David J.C. MacKay email: www: Cavendish Laboratory, tel: (01223) 339852 fax: 354599 home: 276411 Madingley Road, international code: +44 1223 Cambridge CB3 0HE. U.K. room: 982 Rutherford Building ------------ At Newton Inst: 330536 -------------