From  Wed May 14 14:36:53 1997
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From: Kevin Lowe <>
To: "'Britdisc'" <>
Subject: Sports Council.
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 14:08:26 +0100
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>Do we really want "recognition" from these stodgy old farts?

Unfortunately, yes we do. In the last couple of years, we could have 
applied for (and probably got) National Lottery funding for 3 full time youth 
developers for Ultimate. It would have meant the BUF could employ people 
to start up junior teams in specific areas. We'd have met the criteria set 
by the board (community based, co-ed, etc.) and been able to employ 
players to really promote the sport at a junior level (It would be an ideal job 
for anyone having just done a PGCE but wanting a year out before starting 
teaching). the funding could have been for five years.

Why did this idea not get off the ground? You can't apply for National 
Lottery funding if you're not recognised by the Sport's Council. End of 

I'm a youth group leader in an 'alternative' youth organisation. Because it's 
recognised by the Department of Education as an educational charity, we 
can apply for funding. There are many leaders that do not agree with the 
lottery, but if we don't apply for it, it will go to the 'undeserving causes' that 
they are complaining about. As a result, we got 66,000 pounds do develop 
peer led education in Brighton, 150,000 to buy and do up a camping barn, 

The money is there, but if we can't even get in through the front door, we 
haven't a hope of seeing any money. Many organisations cannot exist 
(well, certainly can't grow) relying solely on money raised internally. Look 
at how much funding Swedish Ultimate gets from its Government. Think 
what we could do for the sport in this country if we had a fraction of that 

We have to get recognition! If disc sports are not unique enough, then 
perhaps Disc golf and Ultimate are. There is the option of applying 

We should hassle Tony Banks (Minister of Sport) emphasizing the 
elements of Ultimate that will appeal to him (cheapness, co-educational, 
spirit of the game, not Win at all costs, onus of fair play on individuals, 
etc.) He actually stood up in the House of Commons and said some good 
words about our 'alternative' youth organisation when the Government was 
ranting on about Combined Cadet Forces in comprehensives (I think the 
quote in Hansard was "Would not it be better, if we have that debate, to 
encourage our children to join the Woodcraft Folk, so that they can learn 
to love their fellow creatures rather than how to shoot them? ")

Just my tuppence worth.

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| A. I don't know, and I really don't care!