From Wed Apr 2 01:48:02 1997 Received: by id BAA11974; Wed, 2 Apr 1997 01:26:19 +0100 (BST) Received: from by with SMTP id BAA11968; Wed, 2 Apr 1997 01:26:15 +0100 (BST) Received: by (UK-Smail id <>; Wed, 2 Apr 97 01:26 BST Message-Id: <> Date: Wed, 2 Apr 97 01:26 BST From: (David J.C. MacKay) To:, Subject: Re: rules question Sender: Precedence: bulk Neil said: >> I must disagree with >> this. The WFDF rules do NOT say anything about whether the pick >> affected play or not. The throw should go back even if the pick was in >> a completely different direction. Of course a lot of team will allow >> the play to stand if it turns out the pick was irrelevant. Interesting! You are right.... Even more interesting, If we read the UPA rules, we find this is spelt out some more: ----- Notice part (3) ---- 2. Continuation Rule: A. Disc In the Air (1) If a foul, violation, or pick is called while the disc is in the air, the play is always completed. (2) If the team which called the foul, violation, or pick gains possession as a result of that pass (e.g., an incomplete pass following a traveling violation, or offensive foul), play continues unhalted. In this situation, players should call "play on." (3) If the pass is completed, but the defensive effort on the pass was affected by the violation (e.g. picks), the pass does not count and possession reverts back to the thrower. It says "if the defensive effort was affected by the pick then it goes back to thrower;" implying, I guess, that if it was unaffected, the disc does *not* go back. So, Neil is right -- what I said is correct for UPA rules but it is not mentioned in WFDF rules. Often, WFDF rules are modified to match UPA rules, so it may be that this part of the wfdf rules will change in the next edition. (The UPA rule above is a recent modification to the UPA rules.) Anyway, that's the way it stands at the moment. Does anyone still want to know where the up to date rules are? I hunted around on the web and found the official WFDF and UPA rules. I copied them to wol also, so you can take your pick from the following links: Rules of Ultimate | <a HREF=""> WFDF version</a> | <a HREF=""> Cambridge Idiots' version</a> | <a href=""> Britdisc discussion</a> | <a href=""> Britdisc discussion</a> | <a HREF=""> UPA version </a> | <a HREF="">UPA master copy</a> | <a HREF="">wfdf master copy</a> | Yours David ========================================================================== David J.C. MacKay email: www: Cavendish Laboratory, tel: (01223) 339852 fax: 354599 home: 276411 Madingley Road, international code: +44 1223 Cambridge CB3 0HE. U.K. room: 982 Rutherford Building