From Tue Mar 25 16:53:34 1997 Received: by id QAA16569; Tue, 25 Mar 1997 16:33:13 GMT Received: from by with SMTP id QAA16553; Tue, 25 Mar 1997 16:33:07 GMT Received: from by (4.1/PIPEX simple 1.9) id AB06558; Tue, 25 Mar 97 16:36:07 GMT Message-Id: <> Subject: Ultimatum Appeal Date: Tue, 25 Mar 97 16:39:18 +0000 From: Paul Hurt <> To: "BritDisc" <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Sender: Precedence: bulk ==================================================================== ULTIMATUM - APPEAL FOR SUPPORT (with apologies for the hard sell...) If anyone out there has trouble getting a copy of Ultimatum from their team's free allocation, please consider subscribing. Ultimatum has a lot of roles to fulfil in very few pages, but I think we largely hit the spot with it. What's becoming increasingly clear is that Ultimatum in its present guise is the best promotional weapon the BUF has had in a long time, and this is beginning to pay off. However, Ultimatum costs the BUF a fortune to produce - far, far more than the total income from team subs. Unless a greater proportion of the costs can be recovered through subscriptions and advertising, the magazine will soon be forced to scale down once more. Otherwise we will eventually bankrupt the BUF. Ultimatum is currently the highest profile Ultimate magazine in the world - no one else has anything like it. But in case you still take Ultimatum for granted, here, in true Dave Brown style ;-) , is what players outside the UK have said (and they all said this with no prompting from me)... "Wow! This is the most professional piece of literature I have ever seen about our sport. I've just spent two hours pouring over it, line by line, and I'm excited (and tired; it's 1:00AM)!" - Steve Steury, Chicago "Z" Ultimate. "Thanks for the magazine and more importantly the effort. Ultimatum appears to do what a good sports publication does for its sport; present the sport in its best light. My initial reaction to your latest issue, which made the rounds on our team, was that it presented Ultimate as it is, a sport played by serious athletes as well as weekend warriors.... [stuff about the state of US Ultimate cut] ...I describe our condition in the States to illustrate just how enthusiastic we are to have a magazine that speaks to our level of interest." - Lenny Engel, Death or Glory (twelve DoG players now subscribe!) "We got it yesterday! It's capitol stuff, very professional looking and fun to read. Reading it was over all too soon. If we only could have a magazine like that!" - Dan Engstrom, Ultimate and Guts Committee Chairman, Swedish Frisbee Federation "I can confirm I just received number 34 of Ultimatum! One word: great!" Jean-Charles Dupin, Funkadelic, Belgium So, if you appreciate Ultimatum and would like to see it continue, you can help support the magazine and the sport by getting your chequebook out. Nine quid for six issues delivered direct to your door seems like good value to me. (Note that teams that haven't paid their BUF subs don't get the usual ten free copies. Has your team paid up?) To subscribe, send your name and address, and a cheque for 9 pounds made payable to "The British Ultimate Federation" to me at the address below. ============================ ULTIMATUM - APPEAL FOR STAFF Do you have any of the following skills - journalism (or just good writing abilities), sports photography, media sales and promotion, Web site authoring and management, database management, graphic design and illustration...? Do you have any of the following - e-mail, World Wide Web access, newsgroup access, an Apple Macintosh, a telephone, some spare time...? Do you live in a town or city where there's a shop selling Ultrastars? If you can answer yes to any of the above and would be interested in helping with Ultimatum on a regular basis, please get in touch with me by phone or e-mail. Thanks. ========================================== ULTIMATUM - APPEAL FOR LARGE GOBS OF MONEY Do you work for a company or organisation that might be interested in "sponsoring" Ultimatum? In return for a surprisingly small amount of cash, we can offer a year's prime advertising space in the magazine and, perhaps more significantly, "banner" advertising on an Ultimatum Web site, with a potentially huge worldwide audience. Plus of course, the chance to be associated with an exciting new growth sport. If you think the people you work for may be interested in an opportunity like this, please please please get in touch. Paul Hurt Editor, Ultimatum Magazine 95 Marney Road, Battersea, London SW11 5EW e-mail: telephone: 0171 223 7823