From Mon Mar 24 21:34:21 1997 Received: by id VAA13563; Mon, 24 Mar 1997 21:13:18 GMT Received: from by with ESMTP id VAA13553; Mon, 24 Mar 1997 21:13:15 GMT Received: from by with SMTP (PP); Mon, 24 Mar 1997 21:12:50 +0000 Received: from Bristol ( []) by (8.8.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id VAA12445 for <>; Mon, 24 Mar 1997 21:09:26 GMT From: Rob Cole <> Reply-To: Rob Cole <> To: Brit Disk <> Subject: Stuff Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 21:06:03 -0800 () X-Mailer: Simeon for Win32 Version 4.0.7 X-Authentication: none MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Sender: Precedence: bulk This contains 4 parts, so just read what you want. Parts are: 1) National Indoors (not a whinge) 2) Spirit at the above (a whinge) 3) Student league. 1) National Indoors This is just another thanks to Barry and all of the Sneeky's that helped put on the tournie. I am very glad that we made the trek up north, just driving around Edinburgh on Friday night was testament to that. No complaints from Mythago, just a big 'Good Work Fellas'. 2) Spirit at the Nationals. On the whole this was excellent, as far as play went. However, with some teams that's about as far as it went. 2 teams spring to mind, let's call them Blue and Tract (Unirary) Infection (TUI). The games were good spirited, well, apart from 1, no prizes for guessing who it was against, and it wasn't the second team mentioned. However it was in the all important after game back/hand slapping that it all went to pot. In my view this is one of the most important parts of the game, as it gives the teams a chance to talk over the game, chat about dodgy calls, apologise and so on. The calls also help heal any wounds. So imagine how we felt after a farilt poor spirited game when Blue's call was 'We're blu and we don't call'. Hello? How crap is that. If you can't come up with a call, fine, 3 cheers (which TUI resorted to, after claiming that they were breaking tradition by not having a call and then being put to shame by our call) will do, or even worse the Hokey Kokey (my first ever call, sniff...). I just think that it is very sad that teams in a national competition are so poor spirited. I know that the games are close, and some close calls can be made, but spirit should still rule, we are not Americans after all. An example is our first game on Sunday, to go into either the 9-12 or 13-16 placings, against Dynamo Hamsters. This was such a close game, ending 7-6 us after one of our players called himself in in the zone, and a Hamster wasn't so sure, but being nice guys they gave it to us. Spirit was upheld and everyone felt better for it. After playing Blue we felt crap, not because we lost, but the way that the game was played. I think I would rather lose a well spirited game than win a poor spirited one. Anyway, these teams know who they are, so please do something about it, if not for me or my team, for Ultimate in this country. Right, whinge Over. 3) Student League. Great idea, as students seem to be excluded from the Ultim8 league and National Outdoor championships this year due to the event timings (Don't respond to this please, it is old ground, has already been covered, and I don't want to start people off again...). I remember talking to Uriel, Picnic and Skunks about it a long time ago, but being the disorganised sort, I promptly forgot all about it. IMNERHO the easiest way would be to have a mini tournament in say 4 or 8 regions, and then playoffs for the league champions, and then finals. You could even combine the latter 2 at one tournie I suppose. I'm sure that you could get some British University Sports Association (BUSA) recognition for this, as it is similar to the league system that they run for evey other sport. The National Student Outdoors should stay as it is, as this is the chance for teams to get together and play teams that they wouldn't normally play in the league, ie teams from up North, sown South, out East and West, a true National Championship. Anyway, just a humble captains thoughts, replies to any of the above, particulary the spirit part are very welcome, ---------------------- Rob Cole #7, "The Guv'nor", Mythago Captain, 1996-7