From Fri Mar 21 15:04:39 1997 Received: by id OAA05550; Fri, 21 Mar 1997 14:40:51 GMT Received: from by with ESMTP id OAA05540; Fri, 21 Mar 1997 14:40:49 GMT Received: from by with SMTP (PP); Fri, 21 Mar 1997 14:35:56 +0000 Received: from MAN-ENG-FS4/MAILQUEUE by (Mercury 1.21); 21 Mar 97 14:38:42 GMT Received: from MAILQUEUE by MAN-ENG-FS4 (Mercury 1.21); 21 Mar 97 14:38:17 GMT From: "I.T.Cuddihy" <> To: Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 14:38:16 GMT Subject: Student League Ultimate X-mailer: Pegasus Mail v3.31 Message-ID: <> Sender: Precedence: bulk Dear All, I read all these posts about a student league with interest, as I plan to be a student for as long as they'll let me (beats bloody working for a living). However I do have a few questions and comments about the format it might take. For instance, if it were to take the form of regions who send their top teams to a "national finals"-type event, do we not in effect create a more drawn out version of the championship system already in place? The only forseeable difference I can tell is that we would be taking what are now the "regional qualifier" pool games and playing them on Wednesday afternoons instead of Saturday mornings. However, having had some (frustrating) dealings with my own Athletic Union, I realise that I may be missing the point entirely. This Wednesday afternoon scenario may be something more along the lines of what BUSA (British Universities Sports something-or-other) would like. Formal recognition (or whatever it is they do) from BUSA may open up oportunities for Ultimate to take off at Uni's where the Athletic Unions are run by the Rugby/Hockey/Football gang who think that playing another sport is tantamount to treason. As many of today's players were first introduced to Ultimate at Uni (or if not then by someone who was), then this could have some long term effects on the game. Anyway at the moment it's all hypothetical, so I may have wasted some of your time and like all good students I'm sure you're all off home now for a few weeks of snoozing in front of the telly like me. (Apologies to all non-students who will spend most of the next few weeks at work-- rather you than me friends)Therefore the debate will probably grind to a halt for a while. Cheers from the North, Ian, Fingers 6