From  Thu Mar 20 12:43:51 1997
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Greetings from the Lufbra, the purple-painted centroid of the country.just 
thought I'd drop everyone a line about the followng subject (which is probably 
bound to spark a bit of controversy, something which seems so much the norm on 
britdisc these days, ahem)...


This idea was presented to me on a rather grubby paper plate the other day by 
our very own Beardie, a long running team hazer (and ex-smurf) but 
one of the newer members of the Purple Haze committee.  Now before you all 
reach for your keyboards to fill my mailbox with unmentionables, hear dis...

1)  This idea is very much someone else's brainchild for the purpose of which 
I am being e-mail muppet ("You should see where he's stuffed his hand, fnar!" 
etc. etc. ad lib to fade).  The purpose of this is not to spark off WW3 over 
britdisc but to get people's (constructive) criticisms and ideas about this.

2)  I know that this e-mail has initially been addressed to student clubs but 
any other bods who have got this far through the e-mail and have anything to 
add; I would be more than glad to hear from you.

So, WHOOMP - here it is, the letter I was given to address you all with [along 
with my own intermingled, bracketed comments, tee-hee - CW]...

"To whoever it may concern,

A few days ago I was talking on the phone to Simon Hill about an idea of 
forming a Midland Student Ultimate League [as you do - CW] and he suggested 
'Why exclude the rest of Britain, when you could start a National Students 
League? [Si, consider yourself well and truly Beardie'd, a feeling I know well 
- CW] Hmmmmm I thought [more like "Hmmmmm" was the noise his head made when he 
thought - CW] and accepted the challenge, hence this brief note to invite you 
to take part. [I assume he means take part in coming up with ideas, what with 
this just being at the drawing stage and all that - CW]

The format of the league is to divide the student teams into thier respective 
regions of the country, forming regional leagues of between 4 and 6 teams, 
this reduces travelling time to matches and allows games to be played on my 
intended time of Wednesday afternoons [YESSIR! Watch out Si, sounds like he's 
after your job - CW] when other university games are being held.  A 
representative from one of the teams from each region is to stand on a 
committe to air the views of the teams participating in that regionand toward 
the national league in general [Hmmm, is this necessary?  I'm not sure.  
Answers on the back of a tenner to Purple Haze HQ please - CW]  Teams will 
play off against one another to ultimately find the national [student league]
champion and the positions of all the other teams with respect to each other.

Thanks for your support,

Mr. B.E Ardie Esq.
[Ho Ho!  AKA Chris "Beardie, Control-freak, Wardrobe, Stop throwing those 
b!**&y knives" Hughes of Purple Haze (unfortunately) - CW]"

So, there you have it in one giant, genetically engineered nutshell.  I am 
very much of the opinion that this idea has been designed (!!!) to run 
alongside the usual tournaments etc. and is in no way intended to be a 
replacement for the current scheme of things.

I'm off home for four weeks (being a shirking student-type and all) so I'll look 
forward to a brimming mailbox and verbal frakkas on Britdisc when I get back.

I'm off round the knobbly tree for a dairylea triangle.

Happy hucking.

Chris "Sinbad" White
(Chairman - PURPLE HAZE, Loughborough Ultimate)