From  Fri Sep 15 11:37:30 2000
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Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 11:35:02 +0100 (BST)
From: Graham C Fletcher <>
Reply-To: Graham C Fletcher <>
Subject: Nationals: Directions, food, accommodation and the BUF AGM. 
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Dear all,

A website has now been constructed with most of the relevant details for
the Nationals, thanks to David Mackay. It can be found at and it includes
details about:

Directions and Maps.

The format. Please note the Schedule is provisional and may change,
	however, if there are any changes made I will email Britdisc. 
	N.B When you look at the website it may or may not have been
	updated. The correct start time on Saturday is 9.20, not 9.00. Captains
	can pick up team information and the pitch layout map from
	9.00-9.20am. The 9.00am start on Saturday down on the website is
	incorrect and will be updated soon.
Accommodation. Unfortunately there is no college accommodation available
	due to conferences and an alumni weekend. There are two sites with
	some B and B's and guesthouses on them and I have listed the ones
	that are within walking distance of the fields and or the city
	centre. We have limited floorspace available, this will be
	allocated on the basis of who needs it (i.e. student teams, teams
	travelling from further away), who replies first and who has put
	Strange Blue up in the past. Please sort out your accommodation
	soon as the alumni weekend may put pressure on accommodation. 

How to enter (if you haven't already sent a cheque, you should
	hurry up). Apparantly post may be disrupted over the weekend so
	please email me to confirm that a cheque is on the way.
Catering and social events. We will have a BBQ on field and there is a
	Sainsburys nearby. Hot drink vending machines 
	can be found in Abbey Pool. I'm still looking into finding 
	a bookable venue to meet up at on Saturday. By the way, there is
	no pavilion/bar on site, so bring rain gear and your own beer if
	you want it.
The BUF AGM. The BUF AGM will take place on Saturday evening. A room in
	Darwin College has been booked and we'll have directions/maps
	available at the weekend. 



P.S. Any questions before the event I'll try to answer. On the weekend
Dora Kemp is going to be tournament director and will run things.


Graham Fletcher,
12A Amwell Rd,
01223 709469