From Fri Aug 25 16:47:03 2000 Received: (from daemon@localhost) by (8.10.1/8.9.3) id e7PFfc513105 for britdisc-outgoing; Fri, 25 Aug 2000 16:41:38 +0100 (BST) Received: from (root@daffodil []) by (8.10.1/8.9.3) with ESMTP id e7PFfZg13093 for <>; Fri, 25 Aug 2000 16:41:35 +0100 (BST) Received: from ( []) by (8.10.1/8.9.3) with SMTP id e7PFfZ824305 for <>; Fri, 25 Aug 2000 16:41:35 +0100 (BST) Received: by; id QAA11707; Fri, 25 Aug 2000 16:40:53 +0100 From: <> Received: from by via smap (4.1) id xmaa11067; Fri, 25 Aug 00 16:40:05 +0100 Received: from by (PMDF V5.1-12 #U3018) with SMTP id <> for; Fri, 25 Aug 2000 16:40:34 +0100 (BST) Received: by SMTP MTA v4.6.7 (934.1 12-30-1999)) id 80256946.0055DA99 ; Fri, 25 Aug 2000 16:37:45 +0100 Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 16:20:19 +0100 Subject: European Clubs 2001 To: Message-id: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-disposition: inline X-Lotus-FromDomain: EMEA-UK@INTL Sender: Precedence: bulk Here are the initial basic details for the EUCC 2001. The number of pitches, teams per division etc. including whether there will be guest teams from North America and/or Japan are subject to change. Date: June 11th to 17th, 2001 Location: Blsany, Czech Republich (about 70km west of Prague). The site is a centre for Czech Football and they expect to have 12 and 24 pitches. Teams per division Open 32 Women 24 Masters 12 Junior 8 Mixed 12 Games will be to 17 points or 90 minutes, cap of 2; max 21 points As yet we do not know how many teams GB will be offered in each division, and except for Open I am unaware at this time how these places will be offered to teams. This information was relayed at the WFDF Congress at the recent World Championships in Heilbron Germany. I will send more details of the congress out as soon as I have some information requested from the WFDF. Ian Stebbing BUF Treasurer ---------------------------------------------------------------- The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.