From  Fri Mar  7 17:48:54 1997
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Date: Fri, 07 Mar 97 11:44:39 GMT
From: Rob Mitchell <>
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Subject: Ben Rainbow donations
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Text item: Text_1

     Hi Folks,
     firstly let me say thanks to all those who have been in touch over the 
     last few weeks. From a personal point of view it's means a lot to hear 
     people remembering Ben so fondly.
      Ben's funeral went well. All those who could make it down seemed to 
     agree that it had been a more positive (it's hard to find the right 
     words) experience than they had expected.
     We are hoping to send off a donation to the Bristol center on behalf 
     of Chevron sometime next week, along with the other donations we have 
     received. We've had cards and cheques from around the country, for 
     which many thanks. Unfortunately  a slight hitch has developed. Some 
     sort of Chinese Whispers process seems to have taken place through 
     which the Bristol Cancer *Help* Center was transformed into the 
     Bristol Cancer Health Center I've been spreading around the latter and 
     apparently the center have already had several cheques which they are 
     unable to cash. 
     If those of you who have sent cheques to Kenny and I would like to get 
     in touch, we can arrange for them to be returned/replaced. 
     We'll try to get hold of you in the next few days if we can, 
     otherwise, ring us on 0161 275 9987.
     If anyone else wants to make a donation, they can send it to us at:
     6 Ravensdale Street
     M14 5NZ
     or to:
     Bristol Cancer Help Center
     Grove House
     Cornwallis Grove
     BS8 4PG
     As I said, we're hoping to despatch the lot next week, depending on 
     how long it takes to replace the duff cheques we have, so if you are 
     planning to send something, now's the time.
     Any problems, give me a call at the above number, or 0161 275 2090 
     during the day.
     love rob xxx