From Thu Mar 6 11:14:12 1997 Received: from by with ESMTP id LAA18322; Thu, 6 Mar 1997 11:14:07 GMT Received: by id LAA26602; Thu, 6 Mar 1997 11:04:41 GMT Received: from by with ESMTP id LAA26597; Thu, 6 Mar 1997 11:04:34 GMT Received: from by with SMTP id LAA16445; Thu, 6 Mar 1997 11:04:30 GMT Received: from by oxmail4 with SMTP (PP) with ESMTP; Thu, 6 Mar 1997 11:04:19 +0000 Received: (from immd0001@localhost) by (1.1/8.8.3) id LAA20383; Thu, 6 Mar 1997 11:04:18 GMT Date: Thu, 6 Mar 1997 11:04:17 +0000 (GMT) From: paul meaney <> To: Subject: Indoors 1998 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: Precedence: bulk Hi y'all, well I understand that there has been some traffic on this mailing list regarding distances people are having to travel and poor venues for some tournaments .I cannot actually say waht happened as the last three days worth of messages have been wiped form my computer due to a cock up that is so boring I'll not even bother..... With regards to the regionals and Nationals. Such tournaments (I have said this before. I guess I'll be saying it again until people actually WAKE UP AND LISTEN!!!!!!!!!) only happen if people get off their butts and DO it. If they do it badly then hiding behind a 'well, if you can do it better do it yourself' argument ACTUALLY HOLDS UP!!!!! Now we all know that that is garbage. But unfortunately, if I ask for bids (WHICH I DID BLOODY AGES AGO), and no- one offers, so I go to a few people "can you help me out?" and they go "yeah!!" and I go "Phew!!!" and then it turens out to be a bit of a cock up well I have only two views: 1: If you knew you couldn;t do it WHY did you offer? but........ 2(and THIS takes prioirity) I WOULD RATHER THE EVENT HAVE GONE AHEAD THAN NOT AT ALL. The analogy of drowning men, straws etc applies here. So, IF you played in a crappy hall and IF you had a badly organised event, I'm sorry and while I can discuss the nuts and bolts of such an argument with the relevant people THE FACT OF THE MATTER REMAINS THAT AT LEAST YOU HAD A TOURNAMENT. Therefore my job as DoC has been done (dons hat and rides off into sunset to sound of stirring music) SO.... (I'll use *really* small words so that *everyone* (druids included) can understand) I now am taking bids for the 1998 Indoor qualifiers and National finals. What qualifications do you need: 1. A reasonably central venue for your division 2. A nice *large* hall (preferable a double) 3. Somewhere for people to stay 4. A place for a bit of a bop on Saturday Night. 5. Preferably someone who has played in a tournament who can sort out a schedule (or,who just knows what one looks like) so off you go, make some investigations. Becasue I am going to tell you all this NOW!!! So you have precisely ONE YEAR'S NOTICE!! If it gets to three months prior to the event, and I have no regional bids and I ask someone to help out and they do and the hall does not fulfill the above criterion and someone mails me after the event and starts moaning I AM GOING TO COME ROUND AND GIVE YOU A BLOODY GOOD KICK UP THE ARSE FOR BEING AN ANNOYING, WHINGEING GIT!!! There. Mr. Diplomat is giving EVERYONE in the country ONE YEAR'S notice. Except I won't Kick Harry Golby, 'cos he's bigger'n me. So's Chris Hughes. so's Pete Hallet. hmmmmmmmmmm a pattern is forming I can't kick raf - his voice is high enough already. I know I'll kick Wayne. Anyway. So if you don't want the imprint of my Kickers on Wayne's underpants (maybe you do, but that's for the newsgroups), start having a look NOW! I we get lotsa bids then I can pick the best tournament for you! So you stand to win by putting a bid in!!! It's not difficult, and you get to (hopefully) make a bit of cash Unless you are in the SW and everyone backs out of your tournament. Laters, Paul. (who might get in a bit of trouble over this but what the hell, as Robert de Niro said "you could get further in my neighbourhood with a gun and a kind word than you could with just a kind word) oh yes, don;t even *think* about a flame. Two weeks to go until National, stress level is rising a tad p.s. I'm only joking about the kicking part. //////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ****************************************************************************** Kryten: sir, you must forgive Mr Rimmer, he's suffering from a stress- related nervous disorder Lister: Next time I see him he'll be suffering from a fist- related teeth disorder ****************************************************************************** \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\////////////////////////////////////////////