From Fri Feb 28 13:12:24 1997 Received: from by with ESMTP id NAA06516; Fri, 28 Feb 1997 13:12:18 GMT Received: by id NAA05365; Fri, 28 Feb 1997 13:00:33 GMT Received: from by with ESMTP id NAA05360; Fri, 28 Feb 1997 13:00:19 GMT Received: from by with SMTP id NAA04570; Fri, 28 Feb 1997 13:00:17 GMT Received: from ( []) by (8.6.13/8.6.12) with ESMTP id NAA26117 for <>; Fri, 28 Feb 1997 13:00:16 GMT Received: from SMS-MULL/SpoolDir by (Mercury 1.21); 28 Feb 97 12:57:07 +0000 Received: from SpoolDir by SMS-MULL (Mercury 1.21); 28 Feb 97 12:56:50 +0000 From: "BARRY O'KANE" <> To: Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 12:56:31 +0000 Subject: Re: The truth is outdoors Priority: normal X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (v2.42a) Message-ID: <> Sender: Precedence: bulk Ian says: > Tourneys are, I feel, the place where a "hopeful to improve" player > like myself can learn the most in the least amount of time, even if > it is only indoors ;-). So while the more experienced of you out > there in real world may dismiss them, I do not. Maybe as I get older > I'll change my mind , who knows, but for now I just love to play > ultimate, both in centrally heated sports halls and on frost bitten, > wind swept fields. > Hurray! Ian you could not be more right. One of the BIG advantages of indoor ultimate is that it is the way the the game is introduced to a lot of people. I realise that (in their opinion) we are not worthy to comment on any shotgun player - but one of the ways to improve the over all standard of ultimate is to teach people to throw a disc - you have to be able to do this before you can run any kind of invert. And (certainly up here in windy Scotland) the best way to do this is indoors - and then take those skills outdoors. The outdoor game is much better - but given the choice of a field surfaced with 2 inches of mud (or even frozen solid), strong, gusty winds and driving rain or an indoor hall - guess were I'll be? The basic enjoyment and enthusisam for the game is no less indoors - even if shotgun think they are too godly for it. BARRY