From  Fri Dec  3 10:43:46 1999
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From: Fraser Macrae <>
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Subject: RE: Objectives of Census
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 10:41:00 -0000 
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I looked into the recognition thing again early this year. From the Scottish
Sports Council angle.
to be considered for recognition, we need minimum 5000 registered players
but was told realistically we need 5-10 times that amount (25-50,000
This is consistent with what the buf was told last time we applied to the
sports council. Also sports council recognition is a pre-requisite for the
student equiv. We do not have nearly enough players even if EVERYONE fills
in a form.
P.S. I do think a survey is good to count players and get a register of
where everyone lives. It might help get players in remote places to hook up
with a team, but that's about it. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Lowe []
Sent: 03 December 1999 10:19
Subject: Re: Objectives of Census

This is for anyone who has an idea of what the BUSA is looking for.

Would a census help convince the BUSA to make the BUF a member? I mean if we
could show them hard evidence of how many universities have teams and how
many student players there are.

Would this also help with Sports Council recognition?


----- Original Message -----
From: Timothy Rogers <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 9:03 PM
Subject: Objectives of Census

> Andy,
> > what do you actually want to find out?
> At the very least:
> 1) How many people play ultimate.
> 2) Where people live.
> 3) What team they play for.
> Can add to this to find stuff like age, how many tournys go to etc.
> Whether they are prepared to subscribe to the BUA.
> >how do you intend distributing it?
> The BUF can store the data, peoples addresses etc.  Any
> statistical results from the census can be put on the BUF home page.
> >It might give you a very specific
> >picture of the state of Ultimate at the moment, but won't tell you
> >anything about why people leave the sport.
> I don't agree. By looking at data over successive years, one can
> determine which groups of people are leaving the sport.  Stuff like:
> age, just left university, if people have moved to areas where there
> is no ultimate, break up and reforming of teams etc.
> >- what do you intend doing with it?
> At the moment, many people who leave university or move to a new area
> end up without a team.  Through the BUF they can find out who plays
> in their local area, or anywhere else for that matter.  The main task
> is to make sure everyone who wants to continue playing ultimate can
> play ultimate.
> Monitor the growth of ultimate.  As I said in my previous emails the
> growth at the moment is larger than ever.  If we don't reorganise
> then British ultimate as it is currently structured (I mean
> implicit as well as explicit structure) will not be able to cope.
> The net result will probably just be that the sport will not grow.
> >are any of the clubs or BUF in a position to change the
> >organisation,motivation, recruitment, etc?
> I don't see why clubs and the BUF are not in a position to change the
> organisation.  As for motivation, I can only say that if you want to
> go to party you have to have a party!  There are some who won't
> bother, but there are plenty of people more motivated.
> Finally, I think we have to careful not to make a 'mountain
> out of a molehill'.  Its not something that needs to be done
> professionally to target a particular market.  However, there is a
> cost incurred in the data entry, as we cannot expect members of the
> BUF to sit up in the small hours and type in details of 2000 odd
> ultimate players.
> Tim
> Soup
> Tim Rogers
> PhD Student
> Manufacturing Planning Group
> School of Mechanical Engineering
> University of Edinburgh
> email: