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Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 11:42:57 +0000
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Subject: eedinburgh beginners tourni. report
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Final Positions
1	Phat Eds 1
2 	Cupid Stunts
3	Jedi 1
4	Jedi 2
5 	Flying Sorcerers 2
6	Reservoir Fish 
7	Mohawks
8	RSB 1
9	Phat Eds 2
10	Flying Sorcerers 1
11	Strange Blue
12 	Yorkie Bar Kids
13	RSB 2
14	The Source
15	Northern Lights 2
16	Pookas
17	Dross Magic
18	Fingers 6
19	Far Flung 2
20	Hulltimate
21	Shooting Stars 1
22	Falling Skies
23	Disciples
24	Northern Lights 1
25	Purple Haze
26	Mwnci See
27	Far Flung 1
28	Jesters 2
29	Jesters 1
30	Shooting Stars 2
31	Sneeekys
32	RSB 3

So for those of you that aren't much good with the 8 times table, this all 
means that the 'winners' were:
The balloon whisk of shame:		RSB 3
The Wooden spoon (and holder):		Purple Haze
The cup (for the bottom 16):		Dross Magic
The plate (for the second 8):		Phat Eds 2
The Edinburgh beginners Decanter:	Phat Eds 1

and for the important prizes:
The Three pint challenge:
womens:			RSB
mixed:				Phat Eds
Mens with 18 seconds :		Phat Eds

Party prizes:
	Alternative party:	Mohawks
	Original party:		Reservoir Fish
	Sharking (sizzling dish):	Karren from RSB
		hon. mention for Tim Jenkins from Fish

Hat:	Strange Blue (Indian head dress)

Spirit:	Northern Lights 1

So what went on at the tournament? To be totally honest, the tournament was fairly 
uneventful and shamefully small scale. There were a mere 112 games played and most of 
them ended with a result, without risking boring all of you, a list of results, or even an 
overview of results would be impossible. Needless to say what you really want to hear is a 
list of damages ensued at the party. (By the way if anyone from the party venue wants 
contact details for the Ro-sham-bo club don't give them any, a few clubs have already been 
approached). We broke one table, pulled three brackets of the wall (cauing serious structural 
defects in the pub wall) destroyed one awning (approximate size 15ft by 4 ft) and smashed 
just over 100 pint glasses, had one ambulance called and excited the interest of 
approximately 15 policemen. Needless to say, the venue is trying to contact us to make us 
account for damages, and all frisbee players nation wide have been banned from the three 
quarters sports cafe. If anyone has any bright ideas for a slightly larger and more 
accomodating venue for next years party, I would be delighted to field any imaginative ideas 
as it is unlikely we would be invited back to the same place, and besides the pub concerned 
has changed it's policy on bookings for major sports fixtures. The pub was used to holding 
rugby parties, which as you can imagine are significantly tamer. On top of all this, it was 
good to see about 60 breasts (30 pairs) uncovered to the bare essentials (as is tradition for 
the beginners tournament), so all in all, I would say the evening was enjoyable! On top of 
this party, the second party held at the club Gaia was also deemed a success, and with 
Mohawks and Mwnci See leading the way, another venue has been struck off our list of 
possible hosts for next year, I've not heard as extensive an itinerary for damages, but I'm 
sure there was one of a comparable scale.
 I'm told there was a fare deal of sharking going on as well, but I have to admit, I saw none of 
it. Having said that there were 20 different cases of considerable weight put forward for the 
sharking prize and a lot of teams complained that there was only one space per team for a 
nomination for the award of the 'sizzling dish'. However, the prize, after much consultation 
was awarded to the most elligable pair (in Tim from FISH and Karren from RSB) if you know 
either of these two, the full details really are worth a read, if anyone finds out all the gory 
details, a posting over the web wouldn't fo amiss!
 So down to the tournament, Congratulations to Phat Eds winning the Decanter and the 
Plate, and congratulations also to  Dross Magic and Purple haze for clearing up prizes in the 
bottom 16, that is all bar one extremely sought after prize. A hard fought final derby between 
out very own home grown Sneeekys and RSB3 led to an eventual and undeserving winner of 
the balloon whisk of shame - RSB3. Well done! Seriously though, I must admit, despite 
being an impartial scorer of course, it was excellent to see Cupid Stunts percentage play 
defensive zone beaten in the final by a more risky man on side in Phat Eds. So a final pat 
on the back for them. (PS nice speech DJ, I was flattered).
 Well, that will probably do for now, so thanks all for coming, I hope you all enjoyed it and no 
doubt most of you will be back next year for the 9th annual Edinburgh beginners tournament 
2000. See you then 

(0131) 2288337