From  Tue Nov  2 16:10:27 1999
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Subject: GB Update
From: Laura Pearce <>
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Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 16:02:46 +0000
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Firstly, may I apologise for the delay in this information.

At the meeting held at the last GB practice, several things were decided
regarding the structure/system of the GB squads.
In summary, it was agreed that there will be an overall manager
responsible for overseeing the coordination of all divisions.  There will
also be a
divisional manager for each division and they would be responsible for
training and selection of that team, although the overall manager would
have some input in the team selection.  The divisional managers and the
manager will in effect be a committee who will work together to get the
optimum out of each team, although the divisional manager will have the
responsibility of running the team.

The actual details of the committee's role will be finalised by the
committee and the BUF when all the positions are confirmed.

There was also discussion about practices and that it should be possible
for all GB players (from all divisions) to attend a regional practice (eg
weekly, fortnightly) in addition to the monthly squad practice,  although
there was some concern that this would affect club practices and could be
harder to do in some regions.
The regional practice issue needs to be finalised and organised, and is
probably something for the management committee to discuss.

The timing of selection was brought up and it was generally agreed it
should be between Xmas and February.  There will be a co-ed team this year
concern was expressed that this team should not be somewhere for those who
didn't get selected for open or womens to go afterwards.

At present, 5 of the 6 positions have been finalised:
Overall - Sammy Neilson
Open - Aram Flores
Co-ed - Jeff Jackson
Masters - Wayne Davey
Juniors - Patch Winser
Womens - tbc

I hope this summarises the situation as it stands at present.
As soon as the 'details' are finalised, I will pass on this additional

Apologies once again for the delay.

Laura Pearce
BUF National Director