From Thu Feb 20 12:01:21 1997 Received: from by with ESMTP id MAA26024; Thu, 20 Feb 1997 12:01:05 GMT Received: by id LAA22571; Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:54:21 GMT Received: from by with ESMTP id LAA22565; Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:54:12 GMT Received: from by with SMTP id LAA24754; Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:54:10 GMT Received: from by oxmail4 with SMTP (PP) with ESMTP; Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:52:39 +0000 Received: (from immd0001@localhost) by (1.1/8.8.3) id LAA20569; Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:54:06 GMT Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:54:06 +0000 (GMT) From: paul meaney <> To: Subject: Northern Qualifiers (fwd) Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="-556882451-163402704-856368351=:17058" Content-ID: <> Sender: Precedence: bulk This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. ---556882451-163402704-856368351=:17058 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-ID: <> Here Follows a Message for all teams in the North of Britain : Mud Kulture Sneeekys Flying Sorcerors Dundee Stirling Catch 22 Chevron Action Flash Fingers 6 Zebedees Disciples Jedi Children Phat Eds Reservoir Fish Tricky Gangsters West Nottinghamshire College I have just been in touch with Tim Andrews the TD for your Regional Qualifier and he has informed me that with 12 days to go prior to the tournament, HE HAS NO CONFIRMED ENTRIES FOR THE TOURNAMENT. What are the lot of you playing at??? That is too crap for WORDS!!!!! The finals are in Edinburgh for the first time, the capital of Scotland and not one team in the North is willing to send a team to qualify??? A ruling has been made. You have until 10 p.m. Monday Night (that is the 24th of febuary) to register your team(s). If Tim informs me that fewer than 8 teams have entered (which is cutting it *bloody* fine and also in fairness to the TD's who are organising this event), then I will declare the Northern Qualifiers NULL and VOID and NO team from The North will qualify. IN ADDITION - to recompense Tim for any financial expenditures incurred in cancellation of Hall bookings I will send an invoice to EVERY TEAM IN THE NORTHERN DIVISION, regardless of wether you have a legitimate reason for not attending to ensure that Tim does not end up out of pocket.He was the only one who bothered to put in a bid, I do not intend to see him end up short. Each team has known for MONTHS when the qualifiers were. There is no excuse for this kind of attitude. So, to diplomatically and tactfully sum up: Get off your BLOODY ARSES you LAZY BUGGERS!!!!!!!! Paul, Indoor Director of Competitions //////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ****************************************************************************** Kryten: sir, you must forgive Mr Rimmer, he's suffering from a stress- related nervous disorder Lister: Next time I see him he'll be suffering from a fist- related teeth disorder ****************************************************************************** \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////////////// ---556882451-163402704-856368351=:17058--