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Organization: University of Warwick, CV4 7AL, UK
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 17:22:30 +0000 (GMT)
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Subject: Worlds results
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I wish I could have been at St Andrews for the Ultimate but I did 
still go to Worlds last week - Disc Golf Worlds that is.

Regarding the publication of results from WUCC Paul Hurt wrote -

<color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>> My priority (in fact, the only reason I was there) was to make sure the

> *competitors at the tournament* received the best information possible, in

> as timely a fashion as possible. I think we managed to do this, and the

> feedback I received from players was that the daily newsletter was the

> best there's been at a Worlds event.

</color>No quibble about that and I wouldn't want to knock anybody 
involved in running/organising tournaments. However, good 
organisation can overcome some of the logistical problems 
encountered by Paul and Peldi.

Disc golf is lucky to have some very talented and organised 
people and last weeks worlds ran very smoothly. I believe that 
results and reports were put on the web every day for the days 

Ultimate had 80 games a day with a points total for each team, 
Golf had 800 rounds of 18 holes every day. Every single card was 
checked for addition and results phoned into HQ within 1 hour of 
the end of the round. This required 2 volunteer officials at each of 
4 parks and a mobile phone at each.

Results and rankings for each of 400 players in 8 divisions were 
published in the tournament hotel and on the web that evening. 
Rick Bays published daily results in his e-letter.

Within 3 hours of the end of play on Saturday payouts totalling 
50000 USD were calculated for approx 150 players and cheques 
made out signed and presented to players at the awards 
ceremony that evening (including one for me!!!)

Way to go <bold>Professional</bold> Disc Golf Association, Rochester Disc 
Golf Club and Chili Disc Golf Club.<color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>

</color>In fact North American players qualify for PDGA Worlds based on 
performance in 300 sanctioned tournaments, and with 5000 
current members distributed over 15 regions determining who 
gets invited is a major task. The PDGA is now looking to 
maintain player ratings (handicaps) and course ratings for all 
members. The PDGA has only one full time administrator, but he 
is one ORGANISED and EFFICIENT man - Brian Hoeniger.

<color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>> The route from games being played to results being available to publish

> was quite a tortuous one. Score sheets had to be gathered from every game

> (about eighty games a day), entered into spreadsheets, pool positions

> worked out, etc. Corrections would frequently come in at dinner, or we'd

> spot errors ourselves and have to go out and verify the actual score. So

> final results from the day's games didn't get to us before about 10pm each

> night. The race to get them into the newsletter would then start so that

> the whole thing could be with the printers at 6am the next morning and two

> thousand copies on the fields by 10 o'clock the following day.


> Thanks to some of the less-than-convenient facilities at St. Andrews (like

> no outside telephone lines!), Peldi only had internet access between about

> 7 and 10 pm each night, during which time the day's results were not yet

> available. So you can see that there was no earthly way he could have

> posted results any earlier than he did.


> Yes, I think it would have been good if full results had been sent out on

> e-mail and rsd as well. But then, how many Worlds tournaments have there

> been recently where this has actually happened? It happened in Sweden in

> 1996, but only through the efforts of Thomas Griesbaum and myself, who

> just happened to be there, and just happened to have laptops with us, and

> just happened to be prepared to spend two or three hours a day typing up

> results and putting them out there (and running up hotel phone bills in

> the process).


> Of course, all things are possible given sufficient money. But then 

> tournaments become more expensive, and, whaddya know, people complain

> about the cost! Who'd be a tournament director?


> The staff, virtually all of whom worked for no money (some even *paid* to

> go to the tournament!) worked like trojans all week. There were so many

> things that were so *right* about this tournament. Those involved deserve

> a big pat on the back (rather than a slap in the face).


> Paul

Derek Robins                 |       |
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