From  Tue Aug 17 14:00:13 1999
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Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 14:01:03 +0100
From: Dave Neilson <>
Subject: 2000 GB Women
Precedence: bulk

Resurgence of GB Women's Ultimate

The performances of our top two British Women's teams at the World Ultimate
Club Championships last week were simply stunning! It is a constant source
of inspiration to our other teams (Open, Co-ed, Women and Masters) when we
watch Bliss and Twin Peaks take on the best in the world without an ounce
of self doubt and not a flicker of fear.

While it is true that Bliss finished stronger in their games, it should not
be overlooked that Twin Peaks were also leading against several of the top
teams. The reason this is important (to me at least) is because I am
interested in how GB translates its club level successes into national team
victories. It is also worth noting that there were outstanding achievements
by GB women competing in the Co-ed Division - another potential source of
individual talent!

I believe we should be planning as early as possible for the GB assault on
the World Ultimate (national team) Championships to be held in Germany next
year. So,without wishing for a moment to find fault with the sterling
efforts of GB managers, selectors, coaches and trainers of past years, I
wanted to put forward an idea for an alternative approach to national team

Might we better harness the great club level cohesion, that is mostly a
result of lots of regular practices, by sending our best club team (plus a
number of invited 'guests') to represent GB in Germany? I am thinking
initially about GB Women, but the same argument might be applied to the GB
Open squads?! I feel that the Co-ed and Masters (and Juniors) squads will
still be best served by combining the best talent on offer across a broader
spectrum of clubs.

Finally, could I take this opportunity to congratulate ALL the GB teams at
WUCC, not least the large organisational team - lets party on!

See you all at the British Open in Eastbourne!

Sam Neilson
(the old git from) Chevron Action Flash