From: (James C Parinella) Subject: Re: Double Turnover or not? Date: 5Dec 1994 21:00:48 GMT In article <> bg572@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Glenn A. Ford) writes: > > > After having read most of the near-endless debate > about the Defensive Greatest, I have a question about a play > I saw at No Borders this past summer. Team A, on offense, > is moving the disc upfield when a defensive player from Team > B intercepts a pass INBOUNDS and his momentum carries him > OB. In an adrenaline rush, he throws the disc down, punches > the air once or twice and then picks up the disc and walks > it back to the line so that his team can go on O. Team A > then says that its another turnover because he dropped the > disc. Whaddya you think? > Glenn. Double turnover. As I'm sure a lot of you will be glad to know, this happened to me this summer during the wonderful Hingham tournament. The Tea Party was cruising through their games per usual and were playing Static Cling in a pool play game. We had asked some of the Static Cling players to play with us that tournament, but they begged off for various reasons, so we were excited to play them. We had also instituted a "penalty box" for our team. If you made a turnover, you went into the box until somebody else made a turnover and freed you, but with the exception that only one player per point could come out of the box. So if you have a couple hell points, your box could get pretty full and there would be some serious ro-cham-get-out-of-the- boxing. Fortunately for us, we were playing our typical near flawless game so the box was almost empty. Anyway, I'm covering my good friend Ben Adner (of Adner line fame), and I set it up perfectly to cut in front of him for the interception. As the pass is almost in my hands, I start chuckling, even giggling a little bit, as I think how good I am. I have to bend down a little bit, though, and the fields are uneven besides, so I'm off balance as I catch it. A step and a half later, the disc pops out of my hands. A few astute observers on BOTH teams start screaming, "Turnover," at this point. Now my mind is at full tilt, trying to dig up some obscure rule so I can keep the disc in my possession and myself out of the box. But the only thing that kept popping in my head was "Sustained contact with a non-spinning disc". I knew I was beat. Don't misunderstand me here, I certainly tried to argue my point, appealing to fairness and SOTG and I never really had it anyway, but both teams shouted me down and I was relegated to the box. Luckily for me, though, I had Alex the Count on my team, so I was soon on the field again. It should be a turnover, though. Jim "How the hell do you put that in the stat books?" Parinella