From Mon Jan 27 11:44:50 1997 Received: from by with ESMTP id LAA27611; Mon, 27 Jan 1997 11:44:46 GMT Received: by id LAA18743; Mon, 27 Jan 1997 11:42:16 GMT Received: from by with ESMTP id LAA18725; Mon, 27 Jan 1997 11:41:51 GMT Received: from by with ESMTP id LAA27116; Mon, 27 Jan 1997 11:41:49 GMT Received: from newton.leeds.amsta ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id LAA00592 for <>; Mon, 27 Jan 1997 11:43:39 GMT Received: by newton.leeds.amsta (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id LAA16032; Mon, 27 Jan 1997 11:44:42 GMT Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 11:44:42 GMT From: (S J Hill) Message-Id: <199701271144.LAA16032@newton.leeds.amsta> To: Subject: BUF ULTIM-8 TOUR. X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII Sender: Precedence: bulk Hi After lots of to-ing and fro-ing I think we have this booked up and ready to go! Below are the venues and dates. Apologies to people who have been trying to be involved as TDs but haven't been included this time around. The idea is that the venues (+some dates) are NOT the same each year - so there is an opportunity to bid to host an event. If you are interested in this, get in touch with me over the next couple of months (yes - next couple of months, THIS YEAR, to be involved NEXT year.) The details of EXACTLY how this is going to run are still being finalised - although most of them are nearly there. The important information is as follows: (the reasons for doing all this have been described before I think - this is just the INFO that you will need to start thinking about to have your team ready. I will try to get as much info as poss into the upcoming Ultimatum Update.) FORMAT ------ The general format has already been descirbed in last issue of ultimatum. Something new is that RESULTS FROM THE TOUR WILL BE USED IN CALCULATING WHICH TEAMS QUALIFY FOR NATIONALS. NATIONALS WILL BE AT THE END OF SEPTEMBER. THERE WILL BE 2 DIVISION OF 8 TEAMS + (hopefully) A PARALLEL TOURNAMENT AT THE SAME VENUE FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BE THERE BUT DIDN'T QUALIFY. Exact details of how this will work will be available soon. We are taking steps to ensure that everyone has a fair go at qualifying (obviously). REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS WILL CONTINUE, (around the end of October) - but will run as tournaments in their own right, and be used to help develpment of ultimate at regional level. Teams that qualify for Nationals, will be "required" to attend the subsequent regionals championships to ensure that the tournaments continue to be well-supported. ROSTERS ------- There will be some sort of roster-system running over the tour tournaments: ie, the idea is that each player can only play for ONE team over the 5 tourneys. (Obviously there will be instances when players are able to change teams, but they won't include "my team didn't get in"/"couldn't come", etc.) You will want to know how this will effect Nationals. This is an important question, and we're still talking about it - so as to be sure of getting it right. DATES AND VENUES (and your TDs) ---------------- 5/6 April : Hitchin (LayoutDreams) 19/20 April : Leicester (Red & Jesters) 31 May/1 June : Swindon (LayoutDreams) 21/22 June : Southampton (Skunks) 5/6 July : Exeter (Kev Lowe + usual Exeter hosts) These are all potentially BIG venues. That is the idea. We are expecting at least 8 pitches at all of them. (Some may have more.) WHAT DO YOU DO? --------------- For the moment, nothing much, (apart from passing on the above info to your team). More information will arrive on your team doorstep in about a month or so. Don't bother trying to book your place with the TDs above, because you won't be able to. I hope this meets with general approval. So far, in talking to lots of people, I have received a lot of positive feedback about these plans. At the risk of repeating myself, there is a lot of thought going in to this to make sure that it benefits ALL players and teams, at ALL levels of the game. Cheers Si (Director of Competitions)