From Mon Jun 14 12:54:56 1999 Received: by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id MAA24155 for britdisc-outgoing; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:53:52 +0100 (BST) Received: from (daffodil []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id MAA24145 for <>; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:53:50 +0100 (BST) From: Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id MAA18345 for <Britdisc@Csv.Warwick.Ac.Uk>; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:53:49 +0100 (BST) Received: by; id MAA20235; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:48:30 +0100 Received: from by via smap (4.1) id xmae23022; Mon, 14 Jun 99 06:54:24 -0400 Received: from by (PMDF V5.1-12 #U3018) with SMTP id <> for Britdisc@Csv.Warwick.Ac.Uk; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 06:57:25 -0400 (EDT) Received: by SMTP MTA v1.2 hotfix6 (702.3 8-27-1998)) id 80256790.003C3A20 ; Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:57:50 +0100 Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:57:02 +0100 Subject: Re: Association Budget To: Message-id: <> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/mixed; Boundary="0__=pFasXFUJgdt50jRSxPoNpdgZsAtZf69nFEOHU34C72JcumnLWf5TVCLc" Content-disposition: inline X-Lotus-FromDomain: C&L GB@C&L INT@INTL Sender: Precedence: bulk --0__=pFasXFUJgdt50jRSxPoNpdgZsAtZf69nFEOHU34C72JcumnLWf5TVCLc Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Wayne and others The BUF records are not currently with the BUF Treasurer (me) so unfortunately I cannot comment further on the historic costs of doing this work. In terms of going forward the main cost would be wages to the administrator, and the role has yet to be completely defined so we can only make assumptions on the cost. (Ben, I'm sure the Inland Revenue will be interested in taking its pound of flesh and we need to ensure we comply.) It is true that we used to have an administrator and the arrangement worked because the majority of the BUF committee lived reasonably close together, I believe with the administrator being married to the previous Treasurer. One of the main thrusts of reorganising the BUF is to make it a more professionally run organisation and to do that we need to get the structure, responsibilities, people and internal communications right. Ian Stebbing BUF Treasurer (Embedded image moved Wayne Retter <> to file: 13/06/99 16:50 pic15456.pcx) To: cc: Subject: Re: Association Budget --0__=pFasXFUJgdt50jRSxPoNpdgZsAtZf69nFEOHU34C72JcumnLWf5TVCLc Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Disposition: inline Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Ben Ravilious <> writes >We have to add the costs of a part-time admin plus other admin costs >(=A37000?). I am praying that the taxman isn't going to demand a cut o= f the >salary. Don't the BUF treasury records hold more accurate details of the admin costs? Reimbursements for phone calls, photocopying, postage, etc, cos= t of development programs, etc... Are you're "back of a fag packet" figures based on these, suitably projected/adjusted/rounded? Very vague memories, but - didn't the BUF have a part-time/volunteer administrator for a time? What's the story here? Since the post doesn't _seem_ to exist any more,= I assume that there were reasons for the trial to terminate... what wer= e those reasons, and what were the lessons learned? Will a _part-time_ administrator cover the job sufficiently? This will obviously depend upon the responsibilities of the post - are there yet any propositions as to what they would be (or, for that matter, currently ARE) I'm assuming that the association would be really looking for someone who will spend X regular planned hours per week administering the BUA (is/was this the proposed name? I'm assuming that this is still open to= negotiation too, though someone got to BUPA before us...) rather than trying to squeeze them in around their other job(s)? Or not? dependent= upon responsibilities, the time demand could fluctuate. >From the current setup, there just aren't enough hours in the day for our volunteer committees to do a normal days work, AND do their BUF stuff. Obviously this is a scenario to be fixed/avoided. If there aren'= t more volunteers, the obvious option is a salaried administrator. Anyone got any input on the way other countries do things? Various Swedish CLUBS have employed administrators, the UPA has salaried staff.= I'm not suggesting that these organisations should be idols, but aspect= s should be used for role modelling. >For more accurate numbers I think we should look at Tour/Indoor Nation= als >attendance, thus:- > >40 Tour teams x 11 players (average) =3D 440 players Can we not be more accurate in our estimations? Most Tour teams are ROSTERED, and have handed in their rosters. The unrostered teams could= be persuaded to jot down some kind of team list (so far, the core of such teams hasn't changed dramatically, has it?) There's nearly a census here... (How do we guarantee that a proper census gets to everybody? I guess that all those that care and can be bothered will find out, but...) OK, some clubs have rostered their 'infrequent appearances' as well as their 'core players', but one could assume (damn, the inaccuracy strike= s back!) that these 'infrequents' would subscribe to the association in order to be kept up to date - e.g. I don't remember seeing many Lurkers= at Tour Events this year, yet, but they're planning to host their own tournament... Wayne Retter PS: In June 1993 Sean Young conducted a survey at the Samurai (now Headrush) Fiesta, and produced some demographic figures about UK Ultimate, based upon the results. His data sample wasn't huge (just the players, of the 16 teams at the event, that could be bothered to complete and return the survey.) and therefore those figures may be _slightly_ biased, for various reasons, but they're interesting enough to make it worthwhile re-running the survey. Anyone have any good ideas on: a) how to get the survey to everyone (if we could do this, we could conduct a census!); b) provide the incentives for: (i) people to complete the survey; (ii) the answers to be serious; (iii) the answers to be returned! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Wayne Retter at home: 0181-663-4856 mobile: 07970-903420 at work: 01737-273611 ---------------------------------------------------------------- The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity t= o which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, o= r taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you rece= ived this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from = any computer. = --0__=pFasXFUJgdt50jRSxPoNpdgZsAtZf69nFEOHU34C72JcumnLWf5TVCLc Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="pic15456.pcx" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pic15456.pcx" Content-transfer-encoding: base64 CgUBCAAAAABoACwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAABaQABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD1E9sTzRPHE8MTwhP1E9sTzRPHE8MTwhP1E9sTzRPHE8MTwhP1E9sTzRPH E8MTwhP1E9sTzRPHE8MTwhP1E9sTzRPHE8MTwhP1E9sTzRPHE8MTwhP1E9sTzRPHE8MTwhP1E9sT zRPHE8MTwhPwEwzIBgzYE8wTxhPDE8IT7hPOBtcTzBPGE8MTE+wTwgbCBwbCEgbCEgbCEsUG1hPL E8YTwxMT6hMMwgYHwgLCAwISwgfEEsMCwwbVE8sTxRPDExPpE8MGAwcCBwMCwhLDB8ISwgISwgLD BtUTyhPFE8MTE+gTwgIHA8ICEw4DDgLDE8USwwLCEMIG1BPKE8UTwxMT5xMCAwcDAg4TDgITwgIS D8ISD8ISBRICEcICwwbUE8oTxRPCExPmEwYCBwMCDgIOwgLDExITEhPCEg8GxgLDBtMMDAfJE8QT whMT5hMGwwITBgMCDhLFEw8SE8ISBgIDwhIDEsMGB9MDxwwHxRPDExPlEwYHAhESAg8CwhMPwhMP xBMPxRIQwgIDAgMCBtMDxwPEDAfDE8IT4RMHwwzCBgLCEhMCDxLIE8MSD8MSwwIQAwIDBgfSDMkD wgPCDAfCExPbEwfGDMIDDAIHERITEhMSwxMPwxMPwxPDEgIDAgMCwwMCBgzREwfHDMYDDMITE9YT B8UMyAMGB8ICBhLDAsYTEhMSExIPwhIHAgcCAwUQAgYRBgfSE8UTB8QMwgMMwhMT0hMHxAzLA8IM BsISDxESExITAw4DxBMSExITwxICBwPCAsMDDMIGB9ITyRMHwwzCExPPEwfDDMkDxQwHwhMGBxIT AhECEwMOAg7DExITDxMPwxIDAgMCBwMCDAYRBgfSE8kTwhPCDMITE8wTB8MMxwPEDMIHxxMGxBLD Ag4DDgIGwg/IEgIDwgIDAgwCEMIGB9ITyRMHDAcMwhMTyhMHwgzGA8MMwgfMEwYHwhLCEAIOAg4C DhDDAhIPxhIFAgXDAgUCEQYH0hPHEwfCDAcPDMITE8gTB8IMxQPDDAfQEwbDEhDEAhAOEA4QwgLG EgcSBhIGBcMCBcIGB9ATB8UMEwfCDA8HDwwHwhMTxhMHwgzEA8MMB9MTBgfCEhADEMICDhAOEMIC EQIDxxIGBwbCAgUCEQYHyxMHxAwHwhMHEwzCEwcPBw8MB8MTE8UTBwzEA8IMB9YTBsQSEAMCA8UC EQIDAgPDEgcSBgfCBgUQAhDCBgfGEwfEDAfGE8INEwzCEw8HwgwHwxPCE8QTBwzDA8IMB9gTBgfE EhACEMYCEQIDAsQSBhLDBsICEALCBgfCEwfDDAfKEwfCDRMHwhPCDAfEE8ITE8MTBwzCA8IMB9oT DBIHwxLDDBEDxQIDAgPDEgYSBgfCBgIQAhAGDAfCEwzDE8MHyRMHwhPCBxMHxRPDExPDEwzCAwwH 3RMGxxICEQPDAgMCA8MSBhIGBwYMBhACEAIGDMMTDBPCB8YTwwfHEwfGE8MTwhPDEwwDDAfeEwYH xxICEQPDAgMCwhIGEgYHBgwGEAIQAsIGB8MTDMYTwwfKEwzGE8MTwhPDE8IMB98TDBLCB8USAgMR xAISB8ISBgcGDAYQBhAGEAYMB8MMB8kTwwfHEwzGE8MTwhPDEwwPwgzfEwYSB8ISB8ISAhECAwID EgcSBwYHBgwGEAYQxgzDD8IHxRPDB8kTBwzGE8MTwhPDEwzDD8QM3BPCBhIGwxIGAhECAwIHBgcG yAzJDxMHzRMHwwwHxxPDE8ITwxMHDMYPxwwH1BMGEgYSBhLLDM4PwwwTDMcTwgfEDAfJE8QTwhMT xBMHwgzLD9sM0w/GDAfDEwzDEwfEDAfLE8YTwxMTxhMHxAztD8gMBgfIE8QMB84TxxPDE8ITyhMH xwzbD8sMEAUMBcIMwgYH1RPKE8UTwxMT0RMH2wwGEAYQBhACBQwFDAUMBgwHBgfWE8sTxRPDExPu EwYMBhAGEAIGDAYMwwYH1xPLE8YTwxMT8BPKBgfYE8wTxhPDExP1E9sTzRPHE8MTwhP1E9sTzRPH E8MTwhMMAAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACAAICAwMDAwNzApsrw//vwoKCkgICA/wAAAP8A//8AAAD/ /wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACAAICAwMDAwNzApsrw//vwoKCkgICA/wAAAP8A//8A AAD//wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACAAICAwMDAwNzApsrw//vwoKCkgICA/wAAAP8A //8AAAD//wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACAAICAwMDAwNzApsrw//vwoKCkgICA/wAA AP8A//8AAAD//wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACAAICAwMDAwNzApsrw//vwoKCkgICA /wAAAP8A//8AAAD//wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACAAICAwMDAwNzApsrw//vwoKCk gICA/wAAAP8A//8AAAD//wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACAAICAwMDAwNzApsrw//vw oKCkgICA/wAAAP8A//8AAAD//wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACAAICAwMDAwNzApsrw //vwoKCkgICA/wAAAP8A//8AAAD//wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACAAICAwMDAwNzA psrw//vwoKCkgICA/wAAAP8A//8AAAD//wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACAAICAwMDA wNzApsrw//vwoKCkgICA/wAAAP8A//8AAAD//wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACAAICA wMDAwNzApsrw//vwoKCkgICA/wAAAP8A//8AAAD//wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACAgACA AICAwMDAwNzApsrw//vwoKCkgICA/wAAAP8A//8AAAD//wD/AP//////AAAAgAAAAIAAgIAAAACA gACA//vwoKCkgICA/wAAAP8A//8AAAD//wD/AP////// --0__=pFasXFUJgdt50jRSxPoNpdgZsAtZf69nFEOHU34C72JcumnLWf5TVCLc--