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From: "Ben Ravilious" <>
Subject: Re: Association Budget
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 21:03:49 +0100
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Wayne, (cc Britdisc)

1. Treasury records: Have to refer you to Stebbo on this on. But, I think
its fair to say that a considerably higher amount of money will be needed
with an association and will be spent on costs that, in may cases (e.g.
postage to individual members), have not been incurred in the past. The
majority of previous BUF budgets (previously around £3000 annually) has been
spent on Ultimatum so I think we would now need to look at putting aside a
similar amount just for the other admin work. (Disclaimer: "Yes folks its
vague - but at this stage we just to need to know that its viable"). Another
task we have before us is to produce a job description for the
Once this is done we will have a better idea of the admin costs (including
the administrator's salary).

2. "didn't the BUF have a part-time/volunteer administrator for a time?"
Volunteer - Yes, she (Jo Bates) quit due partly for personal reasons
(including motherhood) and also - as far as I am aware - due to feeling
perhaps that she was not being supported properly by the committee. You
would have to ask members of the previous administration for the full
details. Without wanting to open old wounds, I think the main lesson to be
learnt here is to pay the administrator!

3. "I'm assuming that the association would be really looking for someone
who will spend X regular planned hours per week administering "

Correct.  This is certainly a part-time position for the time being. Chris
Hughes and I reckoned we would be looking at around 10 hours per week based
on the work we already do (or *should* be doing!) plus the inevitable
periodic extra work brought on by membership administration. A lot of things
can be computerised (e.g. online updates of members' contact details and
regular automatic mail-merging) - something which I would be willing and
able to setup (assuming I am re-elected!)

Does this sound reasonable/credible/acceptable to people? If it doesn't,
then lets have *constructive* reasoning behind criticisms (please!)

PS - Wayne/Sean thanks for the demographics stuff - I think we may need to
do something like this again - perhaps as part of the next subs form?

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Retter <>
To: <>
Date: 13 June 1999 17:12
Subject: Re: Association Budget

Ben Ravilious <> writes
>We have to add the costs of a part-time admin plus other admin costs
>(£7000?). I am praying that the taxman isn't going to demand a cut of the

Don't the BUF treasury records hold more accurate details of the admin
costs?  Reimbursements for phone calls, photocopying, postage, etc, cost
of development programs, etc...

Are you're "back of a fag packet" figures based on these, suitably

Very vague memories, but - didn't the BUF have a part-time/volunteer
administrator for a time?

What's the story here? Since the post doesn't _seem_ to exist any more,
I assume that there were reasons for the trial to terminate... what were
those reasons, and what were the lessons learned?

Will a _part-time_ administrator cover the job sufficiently?

This will obviously depend upon the responsibilities of the post - are
there yet any propositions as to what they would be (or, for that
matter, currently ARE)

I'm assuming that the association would be really looking for someone
who will spend X regular planned hours per week administering the BUA
(is/was this the proposed name? I'm assuming that this is still open to
negotiation too, though someone got to BUPA before us...) rather than
trying to squeeze them in around their other job(s)?  Or not? dependent
upon responsibilities, the time demand could fluctuate.

>From the current setup, there just aren't enough hours in the day for
our volunteer committees to do a normal days work, AND do their BUF
stuff. Obviously this is a scenario to be fixed/avoided. If there aren't
more volunteers, the obvious option is a salaried administrator.

Anyone got any input on the way other countries do things? Various
Swedish CLUBS have employed administrators, the UPA has salaried staff.
I'm not suggesting that these organisations should be idols, but aspects
should be used for role modelling.

>For more accurate numbers I think we should look at Tour/Indoor Nationals
>attendance, thus:-
>40 Tour teams x 11 players (average) = 440 players

Can we not be more accurate in our estimations?  Most Tour teams are
ROSTERED, and have handed in their rosters.  The unrostered teams could
be persuaded to jot down some kind of team list (so far, the core of
such teams hasn't changed dramatically, has it?)

There's nearly a census here...

(How do we guarantee that a proper census gets to everybody? I guess
that all those that care and can be bothered will find out, but...)

OK, some clubs have rostered their 'infrequent appearances' as well as
their 'core players', but one could assume (damn, the inaccuracy strikes
back!) that these 'infrequents' would subscribe to the association in
order to be kept up to date - e.g. I don't remember seeing many Lurkers
at Tour Events this year, yet, but they're planning to host their own

Wayne Retter

PS: In June 1993 Sean Young conducted a survey at the Samurai (now
Headrush) Fiesta, and produced some demographic figures about UK
Ultimate, based upon the results.
His data sample wasn't huge (just the players, of the 16 teams at the
event, that could be bothered to complete and return the survey.) and
therefore those figures may be _slightly_ biased, for various reasons,
but they're interesting enough to make it worthwhile re-running the

Anyone have any good ideas on:
a) how to get the survey to everyone (if we could do this, we could
conduct a census!);
b) provide the incentives for:
(i) people to complete the survey;
(ii) the answers to be serious;
(iii) the answers to be returned!

Wayne Retter
at home: 0181-663-4856      
mobile: 07970-903420
at work: 01737-273611