From  Fri Jun 11 14:43:00 1999
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From: "HUGHES, Chris" <>
To: "'BUF LISTBOT'" <>, "'u8c'" <>,
Cc: "'Mez'" <>
Subject: FW: New rules for ultimate
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 14:41:03 +0100
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All; here is the website address for the new rules - you may have also seen
Peldi's mail go round.

As expected little has changed, despite our protestations, although we were
able to affect one major change. Players can only put the disc in play from
where they picked the disc up - ie you can no longer walk the disc to the
front of the endzone if the disc does not roll out of play from the pull.
There are also a number of clarifications on 'dropping' the pull. These are
1. the throwing team cannot catch and gain possession from a mac'ed pull.
2. If a valid attempt to catch a pull is dropped; no problem. If a
deliberate attempt to knock the disc down / forward is made then the
throwing team gets possession (Room for a good argument there)

No clarification on if someone other than the attempting catcher can then
pick up possession.

The rules on the four corner discs, brick points, and time between points

Chris Hughes

For BUF and U8C only;
Since these are now part of the official rules I can see no good reason why
those feasible rules should not be incorporated into competition now. If you
have a good reason say so.
The rules on the Pull and Brick marks can be done now.
Corner disc are feasible but teams playing have to provide five good discs.
(To save the stupid questions; game disc + four corner discs) However teams
need to organise replacing them, and also as often pitches are close
together they need to organise recovery of the old disc - presumably from
the middle of another game.
Timing is unfeasible unless team Captains can agree an unbiased timekeeper
with suitable watch(es)

> ----------
> From: 	Dan Engström[]
> Sent: 	09 June 1999 20:42
> To:;;
> Subject: 	New rules for ultimate
> Dear friends,
> The revisions to the new WFDF rules for ultimate are now in their 
> final phase. The rules should be published at 
> within a few days. I would like to 
> thank you especially for your input. You have all had influence on 
> the final appearance of the rules.
> Best wishes,
> Dan Engstrom
> WFDF Ultimate Committee