From  Wed May 26 17:11:43 1999
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Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 17:11:22 +0100 (BST)
From: "O.J. Cottray" <>
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Subject: RE: Drug Influenced Ultimate
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i'd have to second peter, balti, jerome and the like-
i play ultimate not because it's 'different' but because of its balance
between spirit and competitveness -which requires active promotion of the
spirit side to counteract our natural tendency for competition. that's why
i like it. i appreciate the fact that players make a concerted effort
towards that. 
i'd like to add ,if i may, that there isn't much point in being 'spirited'
or whatever if we're going to keep it confined to the currently
underground world of ultimate.
alternative scenes have shot themselves in the foot over and over again 
and proven to be as hypocritical as any other  by creating for
themselves simply another elite of 'do-gooders'; by shunning the
mainstream they simply become another isolated self-righteous group.
so, no i don't think we should compromise the general spirit for the sake
of publicity (because we don't need to do that). and no, i don't think we
should isolate ourselves either as 'the only righteous sport there is'.
i think our publicity should continue to focus on promoting the balance in
ultimate. publicity has been on the up, and i dont' see why we should
start doing away with some ultimate's fundamentals simply because we're
impatient to get McDonalds t-shirts. 
i think what we need is more of the same thing actually. continue bringing
why we joined to the forefront.

who day, just maybe one day we'll see self-refereed football
games in the FA... maybe Mike Tyson we'll apologise after every punch...

starry-eyedly yours-