From  Fri Jan 10 11:49:44 1997
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From: Kevin Lowe <>
To: "'Britdisc'" <>
Subject: Junior Ultimate on Blue Peter
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 09:46:02 -0000
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I've got no idea how it is going to turn out, but Ultimate will be =
appearing on Monday's Blue Peter (BBC1 17:10). Some juniors from =
Hurricanes and St. Philamenas will be filmed on Monday morning in the =
Blue Peter garden (which makes a badminton court look large). Hopefully, =
they will get hold of some of the Channel 4 footage to compliment it, to =
show Ultimate in its true light.=20

Good luck to the juniors appearing. This has been cobbled together at =
very short notice, due to Blue Peter only realising on Tuesday that they =
had a huge gap in Monday's show. Thanks to Jon Hope for doing the ground =
work, and an initial contact ages ago through Rachel Boyd. Let's hope =
there's truth in the saying, "There's no such thing as bad publicity." =
Let's also hope that none of them 'do a Purdy', otherwise everyone else =
appearing will suffer endless jibes, and feel extremely bitter towards =
that person for years to come :)

Blue Peter will place the BUF details (web site, email address and PO =
Box details) on Ceefax, so we hope to get a good number of enquiries. =
There goes my weekend trying to get the school's pack into a reasonable =
state, just in case we get inundated with junior enquiries.


| E-mail	Phone (+44)1244-382371
| Q. Which is the greater problem in the world today, Ignorance or =
| A. I don't know, and I really don't care!