From Thu Apr 8 14:11:01 1999 Received: by (8.9.1/8.9.1) id OAA14367 for britdisc-outgoing; Thu, 8 Apr 1999 14:10:36 +0100 (BST) Received: from (snowdrop []) by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with ESMTP id OAA14346 for <>; Thu, 8 Apr 1999 14:10:30 +0100 (BST) From: Received: from pandora ([]) by (8.9.1b+Sun/8.9.1) with SMTP id OAA10535 for <>; Thu, 8 Apr 1999 14:10:28 +0100 (BST) Received: from ccMail by (IMA Internet Exchange 3.01 Enterprise) id 00039E89; Thu, 8 Apr 99 14:09:50 +0100 Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 14:08:53 +0100 Message-ID: <> Subject: WFDF Rules and U8Tour To: BritDisc <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: cc:Mail note part Sender: Precedence: bulk Chris appears to be suffering PC/email problems... ______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________ Author: "HUGHES; Chris" <> at ~Internet Date: 08/04/99 Dear All. As you are probably aware the WFDF is proposing some rule changes for this upcoming year and worlds. However there was quite a lot of opposition on britdisc to these new rules. From that view we have already written a letter to the WFDF highlighting these view points, that whilst we belive the whole point of speeding up the game is good, that these rules may not be the way forward due to their complexity in managing the organisation of a tournament with these rules. However, we also feel that it is important that we give these proposals a chance. Hence at the upcoming tour 1 event it is proposed that the final and possibly the semi finals will be played to these new rules. THESE RULES WILL NOT BE APPLIED IN ANY OTHER GAMES. If people watch these games then if teams can email me their thoughts this can be included and taken into account when writing the final reply. Please consider not only how you felt it affected the game in the final, but also how it would affect the game at your own teams level. If any one has any questions then please leave them until the tournament as I will not have email or phone access until then. I enclose a copy of the rules for those who have not seen them. Chris Hughes DoC Rule Changes for 1999. Since 1995 there has been considerable pressure from players , teams and National Associations to introduce rule changes to Ultimate that will both speed up the non-playing part of the game and help resolve disputes on the field. The use of Observers and Referees is not a road which WFDF has been keen to take. Instead we have devised a number of new rules, some of which will replace older rules, to help move the pace of the game along. The following changes and adaptations to the WFDF Rules of Ultimate have been made by the WFDF Ultimate Committee with approval from the WFDF Board and in consultation with the UPA. These Rules will be used at WFDF World Ultimate Club Championships in 1999 and come into play officially from April 1st 1999. It is the intention of the Ultimate Committee that these rules are trialed by National Associations and teams and that feedback is given to the Ultimate Committee so that any practical or philosophical difficulties in putting these rules into practice can be sorted out before June 7th 1999. These rules will therefore be given guideline status until June 7th 1999 at which point they will be confirmed with any additions or deletions gained from the practical experience of players and moderated by WFDF. It is the purpose of these rule changes to speed up the game. Any suggestions to modify these rules further must keep to that main purpose. The suggestions for numbering of the new rules are guidelines only at this stage and to help players identify where the new rules fit. Game discs (To replace 404.05 D (10).intro and (a)) Every game has five game-discs, all provided by the Tournament Director according to 403.01. Four of these discs are placed just outside the cones at the corners of the playing field proper. As soon as a throw-off lands anywhere outside the playing field or the end-zone, any player on the receiving team may pick up one of the two closest extra discs and play it immediately. Depending on where the original disc lands the player may use the 'middle' or 'brick' rule when putting an extra disc into play, or play it from the corner of the playing field proper. Before one of the additional discs is picked up, the player who is about to pick up the disc must shout "Corner disc" and clearly point to the disc they are about to pick up to make it clear to the defence what is happening. It is not permitted to use the choice of disc to trick the defenders to set up their defence at the wrong disc. Brick rule: the brick point is moved to 20 yds (approximately 18 m) upfield from the goal line. (404.05 D (10) (c)) NOTE: If they wish players may choose to play the disc originally thrown and use the "middle" or "brick" rules. There is no "Over" option now. Time-limit between points ( New Rule 404.08 E (1) to (7) E1 The time limit between the scoring of a goal and the ensuing pull is sixty seconds for the receiving team, and seventy-five seconds for the throwing team. E2 As soon as a goal is scored (in the event of a discussion, as soon as the goal is acknowledged by the defending team), the score keeper starts a clock. After forty-five seconds, the score keeper warns the receiving team that it has fifteen seconds before the minute runs out, by shouting "Offence fifteen seconds." E3 If, before sixty seconds have passed, the receiving team acknowledges that they are ready, the score keeper warns the throwing team that they have fifteen seconds before the seventy-five seconds run out, by shouting "Defence fifteen seconds." E4 If, before sixty seconds have passed, the receiving team does not acknowledge that they are ready, they lose a time-out. The score keeper shouts "Time-out Offence" to announce this. A regular time-out for that team then takes place. If the receiving team has used all their time-outs, they lose possession at their own goal line, whereby the then receiving team can pick up the disc at the middle of the goal line. E5 If the throwing team do not acknowledge before seventy-five seconds that they are ready, they lose a time-out. The score keeper shouts "Time-out Defence" to announce this. A regular time-out for that team then takes place. If the throwing team has used all their time-outs, they lose the opportunity to defend the length of the field and the receiving team can pick up the disc at the middle of the goal line. E6 A team is ready when one or more of the seven players, who are positioned according to 404.05 D (2), raises an arm to acknowledge that they are prepared to immediately start playing. E7 When calling the time-outs, the score keeper can substitute the team names for the words Offence and Defence above. E8 The same rules shall apply for the beginning of each half of play. Time limits for Time Outs (New Rule 404.03.A (5)) After 1 minute 30 seconds the score keeper warns both teams that they have thirty seconds before the 2 (two) minutes runs out, by shouting "Time Out thirty seconds." Play shall be resumed at the end of a time out by the player with the disc shouting "Check". At this point a stall count can begin or the disc must be released within ten seconds. At the two minute mark if the team with the disc is not ready to start play again they shall loose a time out. A regular time-out for that team then takes place. If the team with the disc has used all its time outs they lose possession at the point where play would have resumed at the end of the time out. If the defending team is not ready to start play again the team with the disc may resume play after shouting "Check". The rules on 'Time limits between points' shall come into effect when a time out is called after a point is scored, except that the time between points shall be two minutes. After 1 minute 30 seconds the score keeper warns both teams that they have thirty seconds before the 2 (two) minutes runs out, by shouting "Time Out thirty seconds." Disputes (New Rule404.17 C (2)) After a dispute has gone on for thirty seconds, the score-keeper shall instruct the players involved to either resolve the issue themselves immediately or return the disc to the last thrower, according to 404.17 C. Any team felt to be extending disputes deliberately or persistently shall be referred to the Tournament Rules group with a view to possible disqualification from the tournament. Failing to catch after touching (Replacement rule 404.05 D (8) Whenever a member of the receiving team touches the disc during its flight (whether in or out-of bounds) and the receiving team subsequently fails to catch the disc prior to its touching the ground, any member of the receiving team can pick up the disc from where it stops. This replaces current rule 404.05.D (8). NOTE: this means you can drop the pull and still keep possession.