From Thu Dec 19 09:37:20 1996 Received: from by with ESMTP id JAA21561; Thu, 19 Dec 1996 09:37:16 GMT Received: by id JAA29732; Thu, 19 Dec 1996 09:29:14 GMT Received: from by with ESMTP id JAA29727; Thu, 19 Dec 1996 09:28:44 GMT Received: from by with SMTP id JAA20744; Thu, 19 Dec 1996 09:28:31 GMT Received: from [] ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with SMTP id KAA07065; Thu, 19 Dec 1996 10:20:30 +0100 X-Sender: Message-Id: <v01510101aedea3f7f179@[]> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 10:25:44 +0100 To: From: (Dulcimer Disc Sport / Baseball School) Subject: WDG {WDS} Statuten concept Cc:,,,,,,,,, Sender: Precedence: bulk Disctivity 19 December 1996 issue pre-#1 I'd like to share with you the a concept for the Werkgroep DiscGolf (WDG) statuten {and perhaps a model for the WDS ( werkgroep DiscSports-broadening the werkgroep as DiscGolf is usually a part of most Overall championships). 1996 (220) 1st Draft of WDG Statuten { The names mentioned are those asked by the Dulcimer Disc Sport / Baseball School to translate that section to Nederlands. Such an assignment, should they choose to accept it, will demonstrte to school-children the concept of 'veel handen makt lichte werk' of in American English, ' many hands make light work'} {{Leaving it in English and working with it as such would be helpful in showing to schools that playing the discsports can also be useful in 'engels (spreek)vaardigheid'!!}}[and perhaps their willingness to perform in that role.] Title Page P.1 Article 1 Name and Definition P.2 Article 2 Purposes P.3 Article 3 Association P.4 Article 4 Board of Discrectors P. 5 Article 5 Duties of Discrectors P. 6 Article 6 CLG's P. 7 Article 7 Elected Positions P. 8 Article 8 Financial P. 9 Article 9 Changes P. 10 Article 10 "Compelling WDG Interests" P. 11 Article 11 Meetings P. 12 1996 (220)1st Draft of WDG.'s Werkgroep DiscGolf Statuten (concept) {I like WDS where all the WDG's are} ARTICLE 1 NAME AND DEFINITION Section 1 The name of this organization is the WDG. {Werkgroep DiscGolf}.The official address shall be maintained by the facilitator. [Hans Bos] Section 2 I.D.C. is a discsports/learning organization. It is non-profit and open to all who pay an appropriate initial fee. (twee (2) gulden) ARTICLE 2 PURPOSES Section 1 To promote learning in ways that will enhance the enjoyment of disc golf & learning. To encourage goodwill among all who play discgolf & learn. Section 2 Maintain an organized framework for representation by and for associates of the WDG. Section 3 To establish discgolf events, learning projects and annual discgolf events. Section 4 To publish a newsletter: DISCTIVITY Section 5 To cooperate with other organizations having common or related goals. ARTICLE 3 Association Section 1 All applications for Association shall be accompanied by remittance of an initial fee (2 gulden). Association shall become effective upon receipt of a WDG flying disc or an I.O.U. for one. Section 2 Three types of association will be recognized: Dynamic, Static and Honorary Section 3 A Static associate shall be an individual who is interested in learning, agrees to uphold the WDG Statuten and who has met the requirements for association as established by the WDG Statuten. Static associates do not receive the complete services provided to Dynamic associates among which are : voting priveleges, receiving the newsletter, association flying disc(s), DISCounts, etc.. Section 4 Dynamic associates must meet all requirements of Static associates plus the additional requirements as established by the WDG Statuten among which are quarterly dues (5 Gulden), attendance at a yearly discgolf/learning event, participation in discgolf/learning project(s!), etc... Section 5 Honorary associates are those selected to receive an association certificate as a gesture of goodwill. The facilitator and/or the Board of Discrectors may issue honorary association certificates. These associations shall be for a period of two years and may be renewed. These association certificates will be given at no extra charge and the persons will receive all benefits of Dynamic association with the exception of voting priveleges. Dynamic associates may submit names for consideration of Honorary association certificates Section 6 A Dynamic associate whose association has reverted to Static association for failure to meet their obligations may be restored to dynamic status by fulfilling the obligation Section 7 A Static associate who wishes to apply for Dynamic association must fulfill the obligations of Dynamic association for the period they request Dynamic association status. Section 8 Priveleges of Dynamic associates: receive an association disc, vote and hold office, receive newsletters, earn discs in annual discsport/learning events, have comments be duly considered upon, become a discrector, establish a "home" link on the WDG Home Page, and all other priveleges as may be established by the Facilitator and/or Board of Discrectors. Article 4 Section 1 The WDG Board of Discrectors will consist of : the WDG Facilitator [Hans Bos], the Ocean's Discrector [ Arthur Haverkamp], the Financial Discrector [ Rene Westenberg], the Statuten Discrector [ Joop vd Rooij], the Tables Discrector [Paul Bezooiyen], the Communication Discrector [ Andre Witkam], the University Discrector [Tom v d Heuvel] and two other Discrectors; Discrector #1 [Rob Merton] and Discrector #2 [Nico Dijkshoorn]. The WDG Facilitator shall act as the Chairperson of the Board of Discrectors. The Board of Discrectors shall be the governing body of WDG, hereinafter called The Board, in which the management of the WDG is vested, except as otherwise stated in the WDG Statuten. Section 2 A quorum of The Board shall consist of the majority of The Board. All board decision must be by open ballot and will require consensus of the Board for approval. All meetings must be open to all Dynamic associates and announced in the newsletter, DISCTIVITY, whenever practical. TheWDG Facilitator or their designee shall attempt to have all meetings at which all associates of the board are physically present. Failing that, teleconferencing or computer mail can be used. Board associates are instructed to assure that all sides of an issue have been heard before The Board decides on a particular issue. Section 3 The Board shall be empowered to employ a L.K. (Learning Kaddy) [ Mike Ocon] to manage a WDG Office. The L.K. will perform such duties as The Board may direct within powers vested in The Board. Section 4 The terms of office shall be four years with half of the Discrectors elected every two years. Section 5 All Discrectors shall take office immediately following their selection. The outgoing Discrectors shall promptly turn over all documents, funds, and otherWDG property entrusted to them bythe WDG. for the conduct of their office. Section 6 Vacancies in the office of a Discrector other than the WDG. Facilitator shall be filled by vote of The Board for the unexpired portion of the term. Section 7 Selections shall be made by the WDG facilitator and a CLG (cooperative learning group). Nominations may also be made by Dynamic associates as prescribed in the WDG Consitution. anyone with me so far? if so, please send a reply with 'WDG Statuten' or 'WDS Statuten' in the subject (limit to discgolf or include field events?) If there are more than 10 responses, I'll use the initial ten repsonses to choose WDG or WDS for the next draft ( and include all tranlsations submitted and/or change suggestions or additions) ' next send' will be the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature will be stirring (well maybe me typing away on this old Mac) and the computer's mouse... hoping to hear from static, dynamic and honarary discsporters soon (I'll be meeting with school officials monday morning so any kind of repsonse will be helpful to show support} with regards, Mike p.s. I'd particularly like the organization to raise funds for UNICEF from time to time (mentioned later in statuten=statutes=constitution) Next DiscGolf WinterTour stop: 11 January, Elsenburgerbos ( near Rijswijk) The Hague [Den Haag] {s'Schravenhage} Interesting development: DiscSports in the World Games in August 1997- Finland !