From  Sat Nov 21 16:09:54 1998
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Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 13:27:26 +0000 (BST)
From: Phil Cooper <>
Subject: Re: BUSA
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OK let's open yet another can of worms on Britdisc but this one's mainly 
for you student types out there:

I can think off the top of my head that there are 25 perhaps 30 student 
teams out there who play. I think, as does the sports administrator in 
Oxford, that this number of teams playing regularly means that we should 
have BUSA recognition. However there are two things- does ultimate want 
or need BUSA recognition? and if we are to get it then we need to club 
together to petition BUSA in order to gain recognition. This means as 
ultimate players we must be organised (yeah I know it doesn't come 
naturally but only an organised offensice is going to work!).

I think it can only be good for ultimate to get some form of national 
recognition as it means that Universities will be forced to look at 
ultimate as more than just a group of people throwing a frisbee around 
for a laugh. Perhaps if we can change the opinions of Universities, who 
are more stuck in their ways than most, we can also change the general 
perception of the sport which leads to articles like those seen in Time 
Out a while back!

Also has anyone out there tried this before, what were the results? Why were 
we turned down etc? 

Thanks a lot, for reading this far, now tell me/britdisc your opinions!

Phil Cooper OW!
aka Rocks