From Thu Nov 19 01:37:13 1998 Received: by (8.9.1/8.9.1) id BAA14088 for britdisc-outgoing; Thu, 19 Nov 1998 01:19:21 GMT Received: from ( []) by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with SMTP id BAA14048; Thu, 19 Nov 1998 01:19:09 GMT X400-Originator: X400-Recipients: , X400-MTS-Identifier: [/PRMD=BT-INTERNET/ADMD=BT/C=GB/;0000430003497273000002L332] X400-Content-Type: P2-1988 (22) Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 16:52:00 +0000 From: WAGSTAFF COLIN <> To: ", DDA.RFC-822:britdisc(a), P:BT-INTERNET, A:BT" <>, ", DDA.RFC-822:britdisc-owner(a), P:BT-INTERNET" <> Subject: RE:Indoor injurys Message-ID: <G000219EFD79000001020067A24C042E*@MHS> In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Sender: Precedence: bulk Indoors? 'Laying out' is all about technique whether indoors or out and you're right a lot of people get injured 'laying out' indoors but if you do it correct and with style you will (probably) not get injured. There are other aspects of the indoor game which make it dangerous, especially in the halls in the UK. (e.g. walls, quality of floor, the opposition etc). Colin. UTI. National Indoor Champions I damaged my knee in the final at this years Indoors 'laying out' and subsequently suffered throughout the whole of the Outdoor season, especially at Worlds. Schmindoors,Scmhoutdoors or even Schmeach Ultimate, who cares just play.