From  Mon Nov  9 13:12:34 1998
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From: "Si Weeks" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 12:52:00 +0000
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Subject: Midland Qualifiers Update
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The Story so far...

Bears One
Bears Two
Bears Three
Bears Four
Phat 'eds One
Phat 'eds Two
Phat 'eds Three
Phat 'eds Four
Mwnci See
Mwnci Do
Purple Haze

Jesters One
Jesters Two
Fingers 6 One
Fingers 6 Two
Fickled Fingers (Junior Team)

Hull (Wombles?)
Birmingham - do you still exist?
Junior Teams I haven't heard from - Matt Lowe's Team, Stan's 
Team and David Unwin's Team

Could all those teams on the POSSIBLES and IN POST list let 
me know what they are doing. Directions will be going in the post at 
the end of the week for those teams paid up (Purple Haze I have no 
address to send directions to - let me know). 

For those who want to see the details, here they are:

For the third year running the Student Indoor Midland Qualifiers 
will be hosted here in the city of Sheffield. This year we will be 
hosting it at a new venue, which is slightly wider - so no more string
and paper. In addition the party will be at a new improved location 
at the Student Union, with bar until 1am. 

The weekend for the tournament is the 21st/22nd November at 
Concorde Sports Centre. The cost as last year is £75 per team, 
cheques made payable to ‘More than just a Tournament’ and should be
sent to the address in the signature of this email.

The captains meeting will be at 8.30am on Saturday morning with play
commencing at 9am. Accommodation ( I mean floorspace - don’t get your
hopes up) will of course be provided on Saturday night. We will finish
around 5.30pm on Sunday giving you enough time to get home and finish
that assignment that you meant to finish before the weekend. 

Look forward to seeing you all here in Sheffield,

Simon Weeks
Tournament Director
74 commonside
s10 1gg
0114 266 2304