From Tue Nov 12 17:32:38 1996 Received: from by with ESMTP id RAA14607; Tue, 12 Nov 1996 17:32:32 GMT Received: by id RAA19119; Tue, 12 Nov 1996 17:24:30 GMT Received: from by with ESMTP id RAA19113; Tue, 12 Nov 1996 17:24:15 GMT Received: from by with SMTP id RAA13441; Tue, 12 Nov 1996 17:24:12 GMT Received: from by oxmail4 with SMTP (PP) with ESMTP; Tue, 12 Nov 1996 17:24:05 +0000 Received: (from immd0001@localhost) by (1.7/8.7.3) id RAA13048; Tue, 12 Nov 1996 17:24:06 GMT Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 17:24:03 +0000 (GMT) From: paul meaney <> To: Subject: Indoor Nationals.....All Change !!!!! (fwd) Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="-556882451-1894242100-847819443=:22730" Sender: Precedence: bulk Status: RO This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. ---556882451-1894242100-847819443=:22730 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII well I bet that got your attention !!!!!. Just to let everyone know, yours truly (the fat goateed one playing for monks who doesn't lay out or jump fifteen feet in the air with a hang time long enough to compose a major symphony), is *TEMPORARILY* looking after the Indoor championships on Behalf of our resident organisational God, Simon Hill. He's still official DoC (that's Budspeak for Director of Competitions), I'm just kinda helping out. or, if you read calvin & hobbes, he's Supreme-Dictator-For-Life, whereas I'm just President-And-First-Tiger. So to Business. BIDS!!!! BIDS!!!!! WE NEED BIDS !!!!!!! (and no, I don;t mean Biological Information Data System, sad gits) We would like as many of you to get off your butts as possible and get bids into me if you think you can host either the Northern/ Midlands/ South eastern/ South Western Indoor regional Qualifiers (pause for breath) AS WELL as the Finals (if you can!!!). Now when going to talk to your friendly local sports hall manager, bear in mind the following things: *how many pitches can you SAFELY accommodate *how many teams can you cater for *what are the spectator provisions *how much is the hall *what are you accommodation options *can you organise cheap and plentiful food *what are the arrangements for the party *how much would you charge each team *how many second/ third teams can you cater for *what is the playing surface like If you think you can do it, then get your bid to me ASAP. There are already some bids in for (as far as I know) the Northerns AND Nationals, BUT DON'T LET THAT STOP YOU !!!!! Your bid might be cheaper and better. Give people the opportunity of choice, rather than going with one bid. Now I can hear you all saying: Why? Why should we bother. Well, it's great fun. Believe me. OK, so you don't sleep for a week before the tournament, plus you get about four hours in total during the event itself. And, thanks to the communications revolution, you get the wonderful opportunity to have your nuts raosted before your very eyes over the public forum of Britdisc, if you make even the slightest gaff. But you get loads of beer bought for you on saturday night, and you can legitimately tell people to "get stuffed, I'm busy !" Plus, it is a bit of a rush to see a whole load of people having a complete blast, all thanks to you. Ask Charlie Mead, Scotty, Laura, me or any tournament organiser. So end of waffle. GIVE ME BIDS, or give me a blank screen. adios..... paul. (back in the organisational saddle once what about a scottish flying disc federation.....?) //////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ****************************************************************************** Kryten: sir, you must forgive Mr Rimmer, he's suffering from a stress- related nervous disorder Lister: Next time I see him he'll be suffering from a fist- related teeth disorder ****************************************************************************** \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////////////// ---556882451-1894242100-847819443=:22730--