From  Tue Oct  6 18:17:08 1998
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From: "HUGHES, Chris" <>
To: "'Britdisc'" <>
Subject: Tournament Bids
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 18:02:07 +0100 
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Ok, this letter is for information really on a number of subjects.

1.	Students anyone interested in organising a student event needs to
speak to Si weeks (
<>  ), however I believe that Student Indoor
Nationals has been confirmed. Yet TD's are still required for the regionals
(if si has confirmed you as TD for a student regional then great)
2.	I appreciate all those prospective TD's asking if they can host a
tour event / indoor regionals / indoor nationals next year. I am still
trying to fit together a plan that allows teams to include major foreign
tournaments in their build up for worlds. Ideas are in the offing and still
in discussion. Prospective dates will be published as soon as possible.
3.	All TD's for the tour need to consider the following points when
setting up a bid. We will now need at least ten pitches to accommodate
enough teams for the tour. Split venues will be considered but beware they
are organisational nightmares, the two sites will need to be close enough to
walk between the two. Accommodation - especially if the weather was as bad
as this year. Medical facilities - paramedics and / or St Johns a must, and
also physio's. Pitch side food. Pitch side huddle area. Party. Cost.
4.	If your bid does not get selected - do not stop there run the
tournament anyway in the summer or a free weekend.

Dates out soon;


P.S. Kev Lowe mail me please - I don't have an address for you