From  Thu May 21 09:57:31 1998
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Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 09:36:57 +0100
From: "Sean Holden" <>
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Subject: Re: Time Out magazine - oh dear
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ha ha ha ha!!!

Just read said article.  I quite liked the first paragraph myself,
particularly 'when I was doing some research'.  A great
demonstration of journalism research.  Maybe Paul should
try and write next weeks article 'stop this journalism madness'.

Mind you, shouldn't have a go at him too much, he did find out that
Sweden have a national team and that we use vast expanses of grass.
That must provide him with a 1% accuracy.  I do feel though that the
grass thing was an accident because discgolf also uses this.

As for the last sentence, this is probably the most incorrect sentence
in the whole article.  I feel this should be changed from 'That's just
wrong' to 'I'm just wrong'
