From Wed Oct 30 07:05:06 1996 Received: from by with ESMTP id HAA11101; Wed, 30 Oct 1996 07:04:43 GMT Received: by id MAA25315; Mon, 28 Oct 1996 12:18:18 GMT Received: from by with SMTP id MAA25283; Mon, 28 Oct 1996 12:17:32 GMT Received: by (UK-Smail id <>; Mon, 28 Oct 96 12:17 GMT Message-Id: <> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 96 12:17 GMT From: (David J.C. MacKay) To: Subject: Request for Complete Regionals and Nationals Data (Final positions appended) Sender: Precedence: bulk Status: RO Request for Complete Regionals and Nationals Data (Final positions appended) Dear Britdisc, I am planning to write a program which computes team rankings on the basis of game results. This program will be useful both for integration of results from multiple tournaments, and also for making new tournament formats. As a first test for this program I would like to receive as many results as possible from the regionals and the nationals. (a) What data is needed? Ideally, I would like the *scores* of every game that was played. If this information has been forgotten, then I would like to know who won every game. But scores would be MUCH better (because the program will give more accurate rankings if close games are distinguished from games with a big goal difference). (b) Who's going to send me the data? If you know that you did *not* tell your tournament directors the scores in your games, then please email your scores to me. If you are a Tournament Director, please send the information you have to me by email ( (c) What format for the data? Please, to make things easy to automate, send me the results in the following format, using the abbreviations for teams given below: TOP LINE: # Date of tournament SUBSEQUENT LINES: One result per line. example: (the results of Saturday's Shotgun Wedding v Stan and Violently Happy versus Catch 22 pool games) # 26 / 10 / 1996 SW 17 ST 15 VH 14 CT 13 - If you are not sure of the score, please add a question mark "?" at the end of the uncertain line. - If a game was won by default (so there was no score), please give the result in the form "A ! B", meaning team A beat team B. - If you only know the outcome (win/loss) of the game, please give the result in the form "A * B". For example, the results of some UTI, Headrush, Chevron Action Flash and Fluid Druids games were: # 26 / 10 / 1996 UTI * HR FD * HR UTI * CA FD * CA FD 15 UTI 14 ? Key for team abbreviations: SW Shotgun Wedding FD Fluid Druids UTI UTI ST Stan CT Catch 22 FM funky monks VH violently happy TD tribal desire HR headrush CA chevron action flash RE red MY mythago BAF blue arse flies SB Strange Blue SK skunks FT first touch CU Cuisons SH Sharks I UR Uriel I SHII Sharks II MYII Mythago II FN Funky Nuns PN Picnic I SKII Skunks II URII Uriel II PNII Picnic II EP Exotica Playthings LU Lurkers VP Village People BGA B.G.A. MK Mad Kows SFA S.F.A. AN Angels MO Mohawks AL Albatross SBII Strange Blue 2 HU Hurricane BL Bliss SU Superfly SN Sneeekys JE Jesters (Other teams not listed: please give a sensible two-letter abbreviation and tell me the key) (d) How to check whether your scores have already been reported? I will put all scores that I receive in this web page. <a HREF=""><b>Program for inferring rankings from game scores</b></a> Thankyou for your help! ============================================================= Results of nationals -------------------- 1 shotgun wedding 2 fluid druids 3 U.T.I. 4 stan (spirit) ------- 5 catch 22 6 funky monks 7 violently happy 8 tribal desire 9 headfrush 10 chevron 11 red 12 mythago ------------- 13 blue arse flies 14 strange blue 15 skunks 16 first touch Thanks to Chris for putting on a superb tournament with great fields and a great marquee! Yours, David ========================================================================== David J.C. MacKay email: www: Cavendish Laboratory, tel: (01223) 339852 fax: 354599 home: 276411 Madingley Road, international code: +44 1223 Cambridge CB3 0HE. U.K. home: 19 Thornton Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 0NP