From Wed Oct 30 07:04:50 1996 Received: from by with ESMTP id HAA11078; Wed, 30 Oct 1996 07:04:31 GMT Received: by id KAA18528; Mon, 28 Oct 1996 10:51:44 GMT From: Received: from by with SMTP id KAA18243; Mon, 28 Oct 1996 10:45:38 GMT Received: by (Smail3.1.29.1 #2) id m0vHpAw-000XDea; Mon, 28 Oct 96 10:44 GMT Message-Id: <> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 96 10:44 GMT To: Subject: keeping quiet!... er not. X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII Sender: Precedence: bulk Status: RO Hi I am trying to keep my chat to a minimum but here is an update: 1. People are still emailing me and Scott that they want to be involved in the discussion about tourney formats/ guidleines. Thats excellent. The more the merrier! In answer to Andy Cotgreave's point: the reason for taking the discussion off BritDisc is so as to leave BritDisc not overlaided with mail so that anyone who is REASONABLY busy out there in real life (er whats that?) can still use it for info etc... (did that make sense? - I'm trying - but am a little over-excited about tomorrow...) 2. We will get this going next week - I'll try to start with a summary so far. I will also try to send some sort of summary of what's being said to BritDisc every now and then. 3. Ultimatum is (I believe) delayed. So next week I will post to BritDisc a FULL description of "the Tour idea" - so that everyone can discuss it and related topics with as many of the facts as poss at their fingertips. The point is that it is a SUGGESTION and will be muchly improved by being discussed by all. Of course BritDisc doesn't actually mean all - so I will also take up Jon Schofield's suggestion of getting all these ideas out to all the clubs on paper giving everyone the opportunity to speak. Again here I'm talking about all these related issues: tourney formats/Tour/Regionals/"big-guns qualify or not"/etc.../date of Nationals.... 4. My only contribution to the general conversation today will be this: (which is a point Jon Schofield made to me - but not I think to BD). People say they learn and enjoy the games against the "big teams". Enjoyment I do not find hard to believe - but learning? - I'm not so sure. Surely there are more efficient and constructive ways in which the top teams esp. Shotgun can impart information about how to play this game. Our team was fortunate enough to have three people training with the GB squad during the winter. A lot of what we learnt there was passed straight onto our whole team. Would there be interest in Open Training Sessions run by people "with the knowledge"? Sort of thing where 3 or 4 reps. from a club come along - have a trainging/coaching session, etc. I suspect that people like Jon (sorry to keep coming back to you Jon!) would be only too pleased to get involved in something like this. There are some things that would need working out - but its a thought. On the enjoyment front: I don't doubt for an instant the importance of games like Jesters v Catch and Hurricane v Shotgun (to take 2 examples from regionals) in the grand scheme of ultimate things. And we have heard a lot about how the "weaker" team in these games are getting a lot of enjoyment from the game. BUT a) has anyone stopped to wonder if Shotgun are enjoying these games? Or don't they get that luxury? b) They (sorry Shotgun - just using you as an example - this obviously applies to at least 3 or 4 teams) - are "asked" (told more like) to play 2 or 3 games like this AT EVERY TOURNAMENT ALL YEAR. I'm just asking that people try to see this from the other side of the fence for a moment. I repeat - these games SHOULD AND MUST be played - but perhaps just not quite so frequently. Thats it. I promise not to send anything else today. Best of luck to everyone tomorrow - I'll see you there. Si